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  • this is what vernam7 said to similar Q:

    if you insist so much that you edit the difficulty by your self, then select the medium and Before pressing the "launch" button go to sc2 program directory locate and edit the aidiff.galaxy.

    your changes will remain there untill you choose an other difficulty or restart the tool.

    i said in the past wait for my AI editor ;-)

    as i said in previous post

    for those previously asking:

    this is the settings that starcrack team recommend for the 3 levels.
    for more explanation you need to ask in the AI forum ;-)


    const int zerg_open = -1;
    const int terran_open = -1;
    const int protoss_open = -1;
    const int c_difficulty = 2;
    const int c_mineralBonus = 1;
    const string c_maphack = "false";


    const int zerg_open = -1;
    const int terran_open = -1;
    const int protoss_open = -1;
    const int c_difficulty = 0;
    const int c_mineralBonus = 1;
    const string c_maphack = "false";


    const int zerg_open = -1;
    const int terran_open = -1;
    const int protoss_open = -1;
    const int c_difficulty = 0;
    const int c_mineralBonus = 2;
    const string c_maphack = "true";


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