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  • if you have read my announcement when patch 11 was out in our forums you would see that we do communicate :)

    you are allways free to try other AI like greentie .043 or something if you think you cant wait....

    i wish it was in my hand. but again you dont get it its something you get for free!!! so "demanding" is out of the question, even if you do it polite and say 1 bilion plz plz plz plz its still is a demand in the end and a push for the developers,

    what will happen if it decide to abandon everything for example because some people "demands" and attitude really gets to my nerves?

    no launcher no game untill jully. specially that now as you see its the ONLY one out there that not only works, but actually exists and keeps been updating with cool stuff to keep you company untill release, and next Expansion Beta.

    so to sum up, next time we are talking about "serious" problems
    this is not AI been broken in medium level, its stuff like "i dont have job and money to pay my damn rent"

    or in a more game leve, "i dont have a workable tool to play sc2 beta at ALL!, and i have to wait other 3 months!!! and BUY IT!" ;-)


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