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  • EyezTHey,

    i have the same problems... Always getting rushed by ~12 roaches / 20 zerglings or 15 zealots and ~15 stalkers on easy!

    Im using StarCrack AI 7.03.

    AIDifficult settings:
    const int c_difficulty = 2;
    const int c_mineralBonus = 0;
    const string c_maphack = "false";

    Tried to set difficulty to 5,4,3... but always the same =\

    Im Using SC2AllIn1 9.6.6 or SC2 Launcher 2.2.2, no difference between them...

    Need help =\

    posting in the wrong forum

    as you probably noticed,
    this forum doesnt have any more "official" replies from the forum starters.. its all user-replies now.

    go to

    thats where you will be able to best find answers =)


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