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  • sorry no i dont agree, the tool is not meant for AI developers in the first place! and as i said in darkblizz

    well i have news for you

    1) the tool doesn NOT creat the folders you mentioned (at least not the latest version)

    2)the tool primary support starcrack and thats it for now, by insisting in adding multi AI support will not make it happen because surly you luck the knowledge on how AI should be implemented, and that means if i dont have the 100% corporation by the other teams for their own AI i probably will not support them because people will start become crying babies for the AI problems and accuse my tool. happened before.

    3)the tool needs to be in its own folder, not in starcracfts directory nessery but absolutily in its own folder, and even right now supports trigger libs i just dont do that officially(dint announce it antill its polished and final), the tool has a folder scai that contains all files need it for the ai to work!

    those files are injected to the right places and files at the right time for the game to load the AI correclty.

    the sc2data files ARE DEAD! if you think AI will work with only one s2data file sorry you are mistaken!
    it may make you think that the ai works but not al options properties and abilities will work 100% cause Blizzard specially after patch forces the game to load its own internal ai and not external files!

    also because we want to touch as less as possible the game files we dont replace anythining that we dont put back when the tool closes

    trust me most of you you think you know how the tool works because you are looking for files created when you run it, well there are things you dont see ;-) and that makes the ai to trully work.

    as far as which AI is better or not, i really dont care that much, if i find a guy responsible enough to sent me latest version of the ai in triggerlibs folder then i can add support. but i will not take responsibilty of others ai implementation, i work for StarCrack team.

    still this tool is meant o keep things simple! not become an AI loader or AI creator for advenced users!

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