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  • 25.
    support to be able to highlight more then one map to be able to mass rename/delete
    i say rename so i can multi-rename at same time, so if i do this and name it map, then all highlighted will be names map1, map2, map3, etc
    now i am gona to the windows job? lol ok accepted for the future
    maybe a reset button to change all options the way it was before
    before what? the default settings? well maybe when i add most of those option we talked
    a reboot button to reload the launcher
    accepted for future. i am curios with all those buttons how big should the ui become? :( i will probably make a new Advanced option tab and add them all there :P
    if somehow u open another launcher, a message should come up saying its already open
    you cant open and other instance of the launcher at the same time anyway.thats how i program it. if its open get focused.
    maybe a repair installation button
    i am gona mae a new InstallSetup programm in the near future possible in v11.0.0 that will replace the self extraction, this install shield setup will alow repair and removing from control panel and start menu sortcuts and desktop sortcuts and cutom instaltion paths
    if u highlight some maps or one, there should be a way for you to send it to someone, or convert them into a .rar file to send it somewhere
    be more specific plz, send it to where? and how? mail? copy to folder? i can compress it for you but "Send it somewhere" dosnt its anice idea when it will be complete ;-)
    check status of map server button
    no need for stupid buttons when all those verifications are allready coded to be executed automatically! when you try to download from the map server you will get msg about your internet status and if the server is available

    thats it for now


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