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  • 32.
    when you click about this program button, it
    should include credits to people who gave the creator the ideas for some of the helpful features
    if this happens my name is actually Sneaky
    all credits are in the About section of the launcher, and all people that had work on this project are in there, unfortunatly all users just for sujestions can be added, because i will need to make a blizzard like credits then screen that will go on for ever :P you have to be choosen at least as a beta tester to get your name in the credits ;-) dont worry posts dont lie and everyone that has helped its still here!
    an undo button, so if u do something u regret, u just click undo/redo and it does whatever
    not possible this is not production application like word
    if u do add the option for description editing, add a spell check
    ..again sorry this is not office
    if its possible, add support for more than the given colors to pick from for your race
    its something we talked lots before, and i wish to stick for now to the official blizzard colors! with few ecceptions.
    FOR FUN - add a button than calculates the difficulty of the match you set up, so for example, i set up a match, then click the button, than a popup says
    [match-difficulty: 55%, so noob....] or like [good'll need it] or like [HOLY COW!]
    un professional and the G.T AI allready can give you more than that ingame ;-)
    maybe an initial setting that sets ur name, so everytime u open the launcher, it says Welcome back, Sneaky
    i will only make the players name in order to make it visible to your ingame units, to welcome you its again a little lame. but insted of player 1 you can see your name in there in the next version.
    remove duplucates button
    dublicates of what? maps? replays? saves? what? and its doublicate based on what cretiria filename? size? i dont thing so.....
    if u click on the cpu/human icon, then drag it over to another slot, it copies all info from that to the one where u released the mouse, this is faster then manually setting up 8 cpu's all with the same settings, ofcourse some settings will have to auto change like start location
    now this is a cool idea, i was thinking about doing drag drop the same way blizzard doesn to assign team but its stupid because with my launcher you have way more team options to make and drag drop will kill that, but what you sujest its really nice (if i implemente it well) to help you autofill the other slots
    specific random buttons to only change map, etc
    for now only random war mode will allow you to setup only YOUR slot and thats it the rest (game type/team if true/map/ and enemies - race location-colors-allience-difficulty all random!
    maybe animated backgrounds
    if i ever finish the WPF project i could do a lot more in a scalable UI!

    ok i think this is really it

    Vernam7thank you for your time friend. plz register so that you get xp and give your self a normal name and avatar later ;-) when in level 2 you may get selected for beta tester and see your name in the credits :P


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