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  • 42.
    an option so that when you quit, whatever settings (match setup) u left last will be loaded the next time you start the launcher
    we said that twice allready
    beside each slot, you can have a red and green circle (quick open/close buttons), quick open auto opens a slot to cpu (with random race, location, color, difficulty depends on what the other cpu slots diff. are, or is also random), quick close auto closes the slot.
    ??????dint get that
    an option that prevents you from using cheats in game, for those people who get tempted to use them midway through the game
    maybe a button on the bottom, that when you click, it change all cpu difficulty to the same, and cycles through them, so if you click it once all cpu difficulty will be easy, then if u click again, they will be the next higher difficulty, etc...
    then it will becoem a nasa's mission control
    somehow make your random war mode implement a random team generator, if it does not already
    it does
    a way to manage the custom ai's thats being used in the launcher, so maybe manage more than one custom ai's as if they were map files
    is there months now see the options tab, you can select what AI (there is only once basically) you want to load.
    when ur on the screen to set up the player settings, on the right side where you see the map, there should also be a way to switch maps, so if your editing teams, and then decide to switch maps, instead of switching tabs, and choosing a new map, you could just click the mini map picture (which moves it to the next map) or there could also be a scroll bar here.
    by switching tab will keep your slots as it is so, there is not problem to loose any settings
    maybe for easy custom ai input, you could just drag the ai folder into the launcher, and it will auto recognize it/ same with save files for match setup
    lots of things can go wrong with that! so no.
    add a random option to health or maybe [random >75] and [random >50] etc...
    handicap and other game setting will have check boxes to what the random war will actually do random. so random war will become customizable.that show i have started making it
    on the game tab, if there is a slot that is on a location number as shown on the map picture, instead of having the black square with the number, it changes to the icon picture of that slot
    you mean the race logo....hmm very insterested touch
    on the map list in the map tab, on the bottom there should be a filter box, so what ever you type only if the map name contains that string, it will show up in the list, kinda like the search thing in windows vista/7, or 2 boxes, the left one is a drop down box to select how the box to the right filters (name, # players, size, etc), and the right one does the filtering
    i allready have that ready just not implemented=enabled, i will do it in next version.
    some where on the launcher, it tells you the exact version of your installed sc2, and if its a clean installation or cracked
    its on the credits, i cant tell if its the cracked or not point there
    MAYBE USELESS - how you have an option to crack the sc2 license, you should have an option to unlicense it, incase you decide to buy the game and want to enter the key, this way you dont have to reinstall it to.
    if the licence option make it to the release version there is no need for the unlicence anytime if you time your original account the game will be licenced based on that automatically!
    on the game tab, if you click the black square with the number, and there is no slot taking up that location, than it auto opens a cpu slot with that location entered.
    there is alwasy as many locations and slots...
    same team slots should get grouped together, so if theres 6 slots and the order is (from top to down) team 1, team 2, team2, team 2, team 1, team 1
    then it auto sorts the tabs so its team 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2
    after it sorts them it puts an outline/border box around each team (different color for each team) so you can see easier the teams.
    like original game, possible but lots of work there maybe in the future
    maybe when u left click, a click sound occurs/ when the launcher starts sc2, it plays a sound depending on what race u picked.
    no more sounds
    a way for you to drag around player slots like how dragging tabs around in google chrome looks.
    its the same as 56
    maybe an auto balance option, so if clicked, and its set on team match, it changed either enemy cpu diff. or ur ally cpu diff. so the match gets more balanced. ( you are considered medium because thats average, or u can indicate how well you play )
    i will have to right a balance algroith just based on that, i dont have time for this
    maybe instead of extracting to many files, how you launch is, just through the exe (so no need to extract it)
    ???? yo mean include in the exe the depending files? possible up to a point only! i allready have problems with non admin usrs and stupid antiviruses by doing that will only make it worst!
    the maps showing in the map list, shouldnt contain the '.SC2map' string extension ( we already know that, since it has to be that for the launcher to recognize it, plus its a waste of space)
    i think i have removed that from the v11.0.0 allready
    support for folder viewing in the map list, so like in browsers for bookmarks you can have just the bookmarks or you can have folders with bookmarks in them, you should do the same here
    i said v11 has a diferent map tree system similar to replays and all actually trees have been updated with more options
    in the map list, if the name of the map is too long, then, you cant see the player number or the map icon beside it, instead you should crop the sides and have it scroll like the marquee tag in html web editing, to be able to see the whole name/ this should also happen for any text that's too long like map description.
    my solution for 62 solves that you will have resiable columns
    change the exe icon from a chip icon to maybe a sc2 style icon, like how they represent 2 in the sc2 name, they use '||' (something like that, would be something I would prefer instead)
    i have thought of that many times but i cant find any trully uniqe icon YET.i dont want to clone others
    difficulty setting should include random (pretty much every setting should)
    original doesnt so maybe later
    anything drop down box that has a random option, should
    have the random option be the very last, not at the top
    wrong way of designing UI. allways the common goes first! ;-)
    the icon pic representing random, should be changed to a '?' instead of the terrain one.
    i had that didnt like the resolution i will find a new ?
    an option that if enabled, everything u start the launcher, the skin is randomized
    support to highlight more then one player slot, and if you close them or change its race or any option, all highlighted slots will also change.
    thats more like it and not cloning buttons!
    every time u play with a certain map, the launcher records how many times u played with that map, then when u choose to sort ur map list, you have the additional option to sort it according to the maps u played with most.
    to many statistics for no reason sorry

    printf("Even more ideas...\n");


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