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  • ZeroClick1) I we can resize the "Maps List" grid, it will rock!
    2) Save favorite settings, like "Player 1 race Zerg, color Red"
    3) Favorite Maps, then we don't need search all the map list when ever you play just some maps
    4) New option "Whenever possible, use GT AI"
    5) New "Home" tab, where we can look better the nice skin background, where you can place short info like FAQ, Home Page, Tips, etc

    1)well yes i could allow that but i will have to save it for next strtup...

    2)will be in final version

    3)you can just make a folder in your maps called favorit and keep those maps in there organized

    4)i dont really get that.... you see sc2alli1 was not made for GT.AI only. explain further plz

    5)we have those in the small icons, but i do agree that i must find a way to see the nice backgrounds more ;-) i will try the best i can

    consider we are talking about the latest beta....


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