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  • some functions i wish SC2Allin1 to have

    SC2Allin1 can remember the map u last played,and game type,team shares
    race etc.every parameters,so u dont need to choose it again .
    when i choose teamVSteam,i and my team computer should be born together
    eg.,in map discord IV,our team should at 1,2 or 3,4,
    but sometimes we are at 1,3 or 2,4

    there is a popmenu when u right click in Maps aera so u can choose ReFresh,
    i hope it the same in Options-AI field.

    sorry for my poor english ,i hope u understand what i mean:)

    when i write Comment in this webpage,i mispress ESC,and all i write is gone ,
    so i have to write it again ,the Comment field should not be cleared.

    Registered User
    Southeast Asia & ANZ

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