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  • Hi there

    First of all, I'd like to thank you and all your team for the great work you've done. I can play SC2 and it's only thank to you (fuck blizzard and their beta key policy).

    Now, I still have a problem about the replays. I've downloaded the sc2 cache files and I've installed the latest update of ALLin1 but when I try to replay one of my game or any other I have downloaded, I still get the desync error message.
    In the previous version of your work, there was a warning about it, saying that it might come from an incompatibility between the difficulty level I was playing and the difficulty level the replay is playing.
    I don't really get that part because I never change the difficulty level. Moreover, are you talking about the difficulty level that is set in the AIDifficulty.galaxy file ? Or are you talking about the level you can switch in the launcher ?
    Because I've never been able to figure out what level I'm actually playing when I'm fighting the IA, the one from the file or the one from the launcher.

    So to sum up :
    What does set the difficulty level (galaxy file or launcher choice) ?
    Have you any idea about my replays problem ?

    Again, congrats for your work and thanks



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