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  • AckimmHi there

    So to sum up :
    What does set the difficulty level (galaxy file or launcher choice) ?
    Have you any idea about my replays problem ?

    Again, congrats for your work and thanks


    if you get the warning probably it cant read the replay file correctly untill (better parser is comming) and you have to go to game settings and set the diffuculty the game was played with manually and then back to replays tab and start the game.

    but this is how replays work:

    lets say you played a game with starcrack AI v7 ok?
    then want to see this replay?
    normally the parser will read the replay and try to find out if this is an offline game or a normal replay match from the
    if you see info on the replay screen the replay parser read it corectly, and just double click will set the difficulty to the match the one the game was played and start the replay

    now lets say you dowloaded few replays, placed then into a directory with the tool, go to see the replays, if the replay parser reeds the info again and you see player name races etc, then will understand that this is a replay and set the difficulty to VERY EASY which is Blizzards Default!
    and try to start the match

    now there are cases the replay cant be read succesfully.still will be watchable but you have to switch to the Game settings Your Self and select Very Easy (if its a replay) or medium/hard/easy (if its a StarCrack Ai v7) ant then go back to replays and start it from the button.

    i will make a new form in the next version to make manual diffuclty selection for replays Even more easy!

    hope you understand what are the requirements for see succesfully a replay.

    Warning, if you have very old replays that was playd for example with starcrack v6.x i do not support them i am sorry, you have to do extra work to downgrade your self from v7 of ai to v6, but i dont recomend that ;-)

    thanks again for the good words if you like it just give a high score in our primary download page ;-)


    also make sure if you have tried Valks launcer delete your cache files and download latest and re copy paste them in there, because his 0.28 verion is fucking up cache files of the games and replays do not work for any tool later!

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