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  • working fine vs AI under win7 64bit BUT! i cant watch replays listen the whole story otherwise u wont find my mistake. i downloaded the beta let it update on the 03.04. -> downloaded this tool . installed it . run as admin and loaded ai maps and tested it np . all was fine till now . clicked on replays - add replays .. added the folder with some reps i downloaded ( most of them from the 1.4. ) any esl cup or sth . tried to run them . their were now 2 bugs . 1 bug is i have black screen and only see the sc2 mouse the other one is that i have a normal background but a error message unable to open replay.
    so i thought it might be troubles with this cache files . i downloaded the newest update and put it in the folder c/user/myname/appdata/local/blizzard../local/cache and then i closed the tool runned it again as admin but still the same bug ;/ . some1 can help me mb?

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