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  • terran58very interesting ! no more lazylaunch and still works perfect or maybe better!

    actualy i was afraid of problem with XP ,like that one in past, but this method is something else!

    i know you try to take in all requests (although its impossible) and this make your tool very popular.

    vernam you realy achieve new things this days, go ahead :)

    one more request! can you please,(instead of us) ask ccT to make AI produce advanced units!
    (like battlecruisers, broodlords,etc)
    its something that no other AI have it yet! and could be realy shock!!!

    hell i will talk to him ;-)
    thats something i want too!
    i thought it was in allready but because i never had a late game nor played a full game to enjoy, i didnt know :P

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