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  • SeeDVernam. Great tool, great updating frequency and I must say superb support over at your side.

    I know you have talked about this before, but do you wanna shed some light on progress of enabling LAN for your SCII starter?

    ok i will say something here once so read it very carefully!

    even if we had something on lan (that demands actually server emu) there is no way i will post it here or claim its development right, i am not stupid like other devs that even posted their real names!

    what kind of cracker says that he is a cracker and post real info? only a nerd noob that has knowledge (maybe) but no idea how to put them in good use.

    so to sum up, if there is gona be a lan or other form of direct pc 2 pc gaming, there will be suddenly apear maybe here at nibbits or other sites, from someone completly "unknown" creator and that will have sinlge post (maybe updating when neede it) but NEVER replay or accept replys! for obvious reasons.Otherwise if he will seek for fame, he is gna me sued for sure! not that they are gona actually take him to Cort who has billions to pay blizzard, but he will be pooled out of game for sure!

    and what "i" the "known" developer can do is to adjust my tool to axcept that "plugin" as external program and use it into its interface somehow, so that even if someone try to accuse my tool, they will fail, cause my tool out of the box will not support lan what the user does with it its something completely different! ;-)

    its like the knife!
    i am the creator of a knife, you can use it to cut bread (play offline) or use it to kill a thief (in defense) in your house!

    the knife and its creator cant be accused because of "your action"! so i the creator of the "knife"-tool cant be accused as criminal!

    i hope this answers your questions! if not read it again you dint understand it ;-) lol

    tnx again for the support guys.

    p.s lan may not even be worth for Beta! but later on when Retail will have bigger success ;-)
    i am not talking about trying to emu 2, sooner or later this will happen as it happened before. i am talking about pure direct pc to pc lan connection!

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