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  • terran58Certainly do it ,the projects that help the tool to become faster and easier for use , are great.

    but i realized the game run heavy than past ! i dont know its because of tool changes or maybe because of new AI its produce more units and extensions ,my game had hanging .i never had one before!!

    i have 2gig ram

    is this an issue post???? lol firebat is watching you :PPP

    game lag is something that sometimes i exp my self, its has to do with the AI (not perfectly rewritten for patch 10) and the stupid cache files, i delete them 1once a week or so and then i login once to and get the latest automatically.

    even with out caches i play perfectly...lag and spoppy performca is either your system cant handle 2many units or the AI cases this.....

    we will have to wait for AI for patch 10 to be sure.

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