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  • Announcemnt about Nibbits possible shutdown
    to be sort i wil try to find a way and keep the site alive by taking it over if me and the Administrator sort this out and if i see that there is indeed a solution to nibbit's "issues"

    still no matter what the SC2allin1 project will NOT stop! (atleasti dont plan to stop it in the near future) on the contrary i have registered domains that will allow me to build my own website in my own servers and keep this think rolling for more months and possible for as long as sc2 is arround.

    i am also talking with the G.T AI developer to offer him a good deal and host both project under the same server so that both will be kept alive. sc2allin1 is NOT in need of any other custom AI but because people love the GT and i belive that this A.I project is worth saving and kept alive i will try to keep that alive even though its not my project.

    in sort i want to ensure you that at least the sc2allin1 WILL keep on rolling in its own website that will be announced here in few hours! (the website will be under-construction for few days but the downloads will be immediately available with the announcement (possible Christmas night)

    remember a Donation for a tool that you love and you use even 5dollars can help us keep the project alive for you all!

    Thank you

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