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  • ... "ho yet another weird application to make it works... ok let see... OMG !!! IT WORKS!!!! =D"

    This was more or less my reaction to SC2ALLin1 !

    I only can say thank you and admire the work you did here!
    Simple, easy to use!
    And it was so cool to see the "player2:gg" at the end!
    why? just because i had a great time and most of it, everything worked perfectly during the battle!

    On a more technical note, it works perfectly on a 100% french version of the game! (hey french guy here!)

    And a question:
    I tryed to look around the forum (maybe not enough)
    but when i configure the ennemies i can make more "human" than one! Does it mean this already works with LAN?
    or is it here for futur updates?

    Again, thx and keep doing a great job!


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