Plz post here your ideas or facts about any starcraft 2 subjects and avoid other posts on other forums or threads, people dont want to know anything untill they play it them selfs so respect that and talk about it ONLY here!
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Why do you think that Kerrigan will die? From the picture of a marine (possibly Jimm) holdind in his hands suspiciously human-like Kerrigan, and from cinematic, where Valerian Mengsk tells Raynor "I can offer you what you've always wanted" I can suppose that Valerian will give him the vaccine to cure Kerrigan, just like infected Stukov was cured in Ressurection. And Raynor will save her at the end. What you think about such ending of the WOL?
Well, one of the trailers had zeratul saying that while kerrigan deserved to die, only she could save them from oblivion. Perhaps she would have to battle for control of the zerg with a new overmind?
Here is possibly the final WOL cinematic: I saw first 20 seconds of it and shut it down. Don't want to know exactly all what will happen in the end.)
sairus777Here is possibly the final WOL cinematic: I saw first 20 seconds of it and shut it down. Don't want to know exactly all what will happen in the end.)
i have been to this site its ALL campaign cinematics (except the internal ones so its not the entire story) but i didnt watched them :P
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vernam7, when you say "all campaign cinematics" I'm guessing you mean only for WoL right?
If that's it, which would be only logical, then it's safe to assume that Kerrigan's back to her infested self in the expansion featuring the Zerg. After all, she's on the cover and she's obviously infested. (oh and thanks sairus777 - I don't mind the spoilers).
Here's the thing, I don't get why everyone's so OMG I'm not buying the game anymore, it sucks, omg omg omg (comments on the link to the video on youtube mostly). It's not like you know everything. There's still the Zerg campaign, which seemingly features Kerrigan as infested again and of course the Protoss which features Zeratul.
Now let's talk about Kerrigan being infested in the expansion, but being turned back to human in the end of WoL. What's up with that? I'm curious, really. I've got a theory on that.
My main guess is that the transformation isn't permanent. The Xel'Naga artefacts have a temporary effect (be it weeks, months, who knows) and she slowly begins turning back into her infested self. During this time she and Jim settle anything they have/need to and then she turns infested and goes back to the zerg, sparing Jim because of her newfound sentimental value (from the time they spent together). All this, in my opinion, could happen before the actual Zerg campaign. Somewhere in-between WoL and Heart of the Swarm. This could all be shown in a long cutscene at the beginning of the campaign. Why I'm quick to assume this is that at the end of the video linked in the several posts above, she still has her zerg-like dreads. It could be a sign as to her still retaining some zerg DNA that mutates her back slowly.
Another possibility, though very slim, is that she ends up working with/for Raynor even after she's be infested again, because they find a way to control her, but I sincerely doubt they'd do that.
Also, on a less spoiler related fashion, with which race are you guys with? I don't mean with which you play, I mean which one are you guys hoping "wins out" in the long run. Personally I'm with the Zerg. If I had a choice in the matter, I'd allow myself to be infested and rule the Zerg. I mean come on, who wouldn't like to have beaten everyone in Brood War and reign supreme over an entire quadrant.
Sorry to anyone who didn't want that many spoilers. If you didn't, first, why'd you come to this thread, and second, why the hell did you read all of it! *laughs*
They have free will, but they dont exactly think and they need an Overmind to control them, but because the Dark Voice made it kill the protoss it didn't have free will so he created Kerrigan The queen of blades, a human with more psionic power than anyone who also took part in zerg control experiments. Kerrigan has free will but who knows what happened and she ended up evil, and our boy Jimmy had to bring her back to human to make her "good" again and make sure the protoss and zerg end up making the Xel'naga, and now she needs to retake control of the swarm back from the Dark voice which hopped that the artifact will be enough to make her die or backup plan with Tychus so that he may take control of them.
We can also think the current skin of the dark voice is an actual Xel'naga because it has both protoss and zerg features
i see, but if this is the xel naga skin, i will be disapointed! i expect more! and this skin should be the xel nagaprevious generation! the new generation that may come from kerrigans zerg and protoss may look like him thought.
anyway i really hope HoTS and the LoV will not be too predicatable! :P
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Most likely HoTS will be following Kerrigan building up the swarm and uncovering the plot and LoV will probably consist of the protoss trying to unite with the zerg in Xel'naga and it ends as a Zeratul-Kerrigan Xel'naga kicks the Dark Voice's ass.
Cry17Most likely HoTS will be following Kerrigan building up the swarm and uncovering the plot and LoV will probably consist of the protoss trying to unite with the zerg in Xel'naga and it ends as a Zeratul-Kerrigan Xel'naga kicks the Dark Voice's ass.
i think the last part will just have an unholy alliance for the 3 races to win the Dark Voice, but then for the story to go on, everyone will take its path once again and battles will keep on going ;-)
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Honestly, I just want to know what Jim thinks about what will happen between him and Kerrigan. From the way things are going we might see them getting married and maybe have some tiny kidlings :P
Cry17Honestly, I just want to know what Jim thinks about what will happen between him and Kerrigan. From the way things are going we might see them getting married and maybe have some tiny kidlings :P
no way dont turn this into a sims3 :P Jim thinks she can be reversed and change, married? lol
the only sure think is Blizzard likes dramas! so someone very importand will have to die!
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i think sc2 will have a sad ending since... Legacy of the void sure sounds like the heroic acts of the void uhm ya know? like the end of the void or what... i think... zeratul will sacrifice himself to and infuse his dna with zerg inorder to create a real xel'naga... thats my prediction...
I <3 sc2allin1 tool LOL!!!!
*note: I bought a signature just for that*
Plz post here your ideas or facts about any starcraft 2 subjects and avoid other posts on other forums or threads, people dont want to know anything untill they play it them selfs so respect that and talk about it ONLY here!
thank you for understanding
here is some keys ;-)
Why do you think that Kerrigan will die? From the picture of a marine (possibly Jimm) holdind in his hands suspiciously human-like Kerrigan, and from cinematic, where Valerian Mengsk tells Raynor "I can offer you what you've always wanted" I can suppose that Valerian will give him the vaccine to cure Kerrigan, just like infected Stukov was cured in Ressurection. And Raynor will save her at the end.
What you think about such ending of the WOL?
i would go for that option aswell..... the point is what will control the zergs in the Heart of the Swarm???
now thats interesting!
Well, one of the trailers had zeratul saying that while kerrigan deserved to die, only she could save them from oblivion. Perhaps she would have to battle for control of the zerg with a new overmind?
Here is possibly the final WOL cinematic:
I saw first 20 seconds of it and shut it down. Don't want to know exactly all what will happen in the end.)
i have been to this site its ALL campaign cinematics (except the internal ones so its not the entire story) but i didnt watched them :P
vernam7, when you say "all campaign cinematics" I'm guessing you mean only for WoL right?
If that's it, which would be only logical, then it's safe to assume that Kerrigan's back to her infested self in the expansion featuring the Zerg. After all, she's on the cover and she's obviously infested.
(oh and thanks sairus777 - I don't mind the spoilers).
Here's the thing, I don't get why everyone's so OMG I'm not buying the game anymore, it sucks, omg omg omg (comments on the link to the video on youtube mostly).
It's not like you know everything. There's still the Zerg campaign, which seemingly features Kerrigan as infested again and of course the Protoss which features Zeratul.
Now let's talk about Kerrigan being infested in the expansion, but being turned back to human in the end of WoL. What's up with that?
I'm curious, really. I've got a theory on that.
My main guess is that the transformation isn't permanent. The Xel'Naga artefacts have a temporary effect (be it weeks, months, who knows) and she slowly begins turning back into her infested self. During this time she and Jim settle anything they have/need to and then she turns infested and goes back to the zerg, sparing Jim because of her newfound sentimental value (from the time they spent together).
All this, in my opinion, could happen before the actual Zerg campaign. Somewhere in-between WoL and Heart of the Swarm. This could all be shown in a long cutscene at the beginning of the campaign.
Why I'm quick to assume this is that at the end of the video linked in the several posts above, she still has her zerg-like dreads. It could be a sign as to her still retaining some zerg DNA that mutates her back slowly.
Another possibility, though very slim, is that she ends up working with/for Raynor even after she's be infested again, because they find a way to control her, but I sincerely doubt they'd do that.
Also, on a less spoiler related fashion, with which race are you guys with? I don't mean with which you play, I mean which one are you guys hoping "wins out" in the long run. Personally I'm with the Zerg.
If I had a choice in the matter, I'd allow myself to be infested and rule the Zerg. I mean come on, who wouldn't like to have beaten everyone in Brood War and reign supreme over an entire quadrant.
Sorry to anyone who didn't want that many spoilers. If you didn't, first, why'd you come to this thread, and second, why the hell did you read all of it! *laughs*
the blue guy dies in the end :(
my favorite character god damn it
tychus findlay died because raynor shut him. but tychus is alive because he was healed by a medivac... kidding
man, someone here saw the protoss/zerg hybrid ingame can you send me some screenshots???????
anyone finished in hard or brutal does he know if there is any hidden content in the credits afterwards?
just yes or no dont tell me what :P
i finished in hard and no hidden content
that sucks :( i was hoping for a credit surprise or something :(
The face of the Dark Voice

how to you know? :) was it ther and you edited the screenshot taken from the game, found in the editor some data maybe?
ok its protoss but maybe its just the model used to represend the voice? dont know, maybe a new form of Duran?=Narud?
the spoiler would be to know "what is he-it"? ;-)
That is a photo enhanced from its in-game portrait
And here is a very nice explanation about what might be the actual truth behinde the Xel'naga.
WoW nice lore speculations there!
still i dont understand who can the zerg be one of the 2 races to form xelnaga when they have no free will!?
They have free will, but they dont exactly think and they need an Overmind to control them, but because the Dark Voice made it kill the protoss it didn't have free will so he created Kerrigan The queen of blades, a human with more psionic power than anyone who also took part in zerg control experiments. Kerrigan has free will but who knows what happened and she ended up evil, and our boy Jimmy had to bring her back to human to make her "good" again and make sure the protoss and zerg end up making the Xel'naga, and now she needs to retake control of the swarm back from the Dark voice which hopped that the artifact will be enough to make her die or backup plan with Tychus so that he may take control of them.
We can also think the current skin of the dark voice is an actual Xel'naga because it has both protoss and zerg features
i see, but if this is the xel naga skin, i will be disapointed! i expect more! and this skin should be the xel nagaprevious generation! the new generation that may come from kerrigans zerg and protoss may look like him thought.
anyway i really hope HoTS and the LoV will not be too predicatable! :P
Most likely HoTS will be following Kerrigan building up the swarm and uncovering the plot and LoV will probably consist of the protoss trying to unite with the zerg in Xel'naga and it ends as a Zeratul-Kerrigan Xel'naga kicks the Dark Voice's ass.
i think the last part will just have an unholy alliance for the 3 races to win the Dark Voice, but then for the story to go on, everyone will take its path once again and battles will keep on going ;-)
Honestly, I just want to know what Jim thinks about what will happen between him and Kerrigan. From the way things are going we might see them getting married and maybe have some tiny kidlings :P
no way dont turn this into a sims3 :P
Jim thinks she can be reversed and change, married? lol
the only sure think is Blizzard likes dramas! so someone very importand will have to die!
i think sc2 will have a sad ending since... Legacy of the void sure sounds like the heroic acts of the void uhm ya know? like the end of the void or what... i think... zeratul will sacrifice himself to and infuse his dna with zerg inorder to create a real xel'naga... thats my prediction...
Jim raynor already had a son, who got put in the ghost program and killed. lol.