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  • vernam7, when you say "all campaign cinematics" I'm guessing you mean only for WoL right?

    If that's it, which would be only logical, then it's safe to assume that Kerrigan's back to her infested self in the expansion featuring the Zerg. After all, she's on the cover and she's obviously infested.
    (oh and thanks sairus777 - I don't mind the spoilers).

    Here's the thing, I don't get why everyone's so OMG I'm not buying the game anymore, it sucks, omg omg omg (comments on the link to the video on youtube mostly).
    It's not like you know everything. There's still the Zerg campaign, which seemingly features Kerrigan as infested again and of course the Protoss which features Zeratul.

    Now let's talk about Kerrigan being infested in the expansion, but being turned back to human in the end of WoL. What's up with that?
    I'm curious, really. I've got a theory on that.

    My main guess is that the transformation isn't permanent. The Xel'Naga artefacts have a temporary effect (be it weeks, months, who knows) and she slowly begins turning back into her infested self. During this time she and Jim settle anything they have/need to and then she turns infested and goes back to the zerg, sparing Jim because of her newfound sentimental value (from the time they spent together).
    All this, in my opinion, could happen before the actual Zerg campaign. Somewhere in-between WoL and Heart of the Swarm. This could all be shown in a long cutscene at the beginning of the campaign.
    Why I'm quick to assume this is that at the end of the video linked in the several posts above, she still has her zerg-like dreads. It could be a sign as to her still retaining some zerg DNA that mutates her back slowly.

    Another possibility, though very slim, is that she ends up working with/for Raynor even after she's be infested again, because they find a way to control her, but I sincerely doubt they'd do that.

    Also, on a less spoiler related fashion, with which race are you guys with? I don't mean with which you play, I mean which one are you guys hoping "wins out" in the long run. Personally I'm with the Zerg.
    If I had a choice in the matter, I'd allow myself to be infested and rule the Zerg. I mean come on, who wouldn't like to have beaten everyone in Brood War and reign supreme over an entire quadrant.

    Sorry to anyone who didn't want that many spoilers. If you didn't, first, why'd you come to this thread, and second, why the hell did you read all of it! *laughs*

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