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  • Hey on the forums :) I'm in the middle of making a rather decent map but I can't seem to figure out duplication.

    It's pretty obvious that it's a lot easier to duplicate units rather than to build them from scratch, but I can't seem to figure out why my units stay linked no matter what I do.

    An example would be my current project which is a TD. I create whatever unit I which to be my first wave. lets say its a probe.

    Then when I create my second wave, I'd just duplicate probe and change the few values that need changing. I change the second wave to be a zergling.

    Now I load up my map and everything is fine until the first wave spawns, because they're all zerglings. They haven't got the attributes of my wave 2 zerglings. But they still share the same model.

    What am I doing wrong?

    I seem to have this problem with everything, from towers to upgrades :/

    Basically what's going on is: Im changing units without being aware of it because they're some how linked together after a duplication.

    Hope you can help me out, so I can share my wicked map with you ;)

    Registered User

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