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  • Hello!

    I am editing a melee map with 4 players.
    Every player have a fixed start location.
    There is a 5th neutral player with 4 Merc. Compounds.
    Every player nier their start location have one neutral Merc. Compound.

    How can I trigger to change the ownership of the corresponding Merc. Compound to Player 1, Player 2 etc. on a start location?

    This is the map's trigger page:

    The start locations are fixed. It's easy to change the ownership of a unit. I attached every Merc. Compound to a different Region near the fixed start location. The fixed player gains ownership to the Merc. Compound on the attached region at Map Start.

    But I wan't random start locations.
    In the trigger Player 1 gains the ownership of a Merc. Compound on Region 001 near Start Location 001. Player 1 is fixed to Start Location 001 so no problem.
    But when I use random start location and for example Player 2 is on Start Location 001 near Region 1, he destroy's Player 1's Merc. Compound.

    A theoretical example for the correct trigger:
    Action Trigger: "Rescue (Unit attached to Region 001) for player on start location 001 and Change Color."
    And now, when Player 2 is on Start Location 001 at map start, he/she gets the Merc. Compound on Region 001.
    But unfortunately there isn't such trigger functions to do this on easy way. :-(

    Any suggestions? Please post a concrete example. :-)

    This is the map, please help me to edit.
    Kulas Ravine Custom


    Registered User

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