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  • I have already encountered this problem and have solved it. Here is a complete solution (the ones above are only partial solutions...)

    To enable both the BEHAVIOR AND THE ICON ON THE UNIT, you must do as follows:

    Firstly, the trigger that OP used is wrong. It should be

    Tech Tree - Add 1 to Story Mode Tech - (Bunker) Shrike Turret upgrade for player 1 [sic]

    The above action will add Shrike Turret ICON AND BEHAVIOR.

    Secondly, there are several things that are "buggy" when you use Story Mode dependency... here is a almost complete list of things that you must FIX:

    - Command Centre command card (add Orbital Command Morph back in because SM removes it in favour of Orbital Relay upgrade)
    - Ghost command card (Ghosts in SM do not have EMP)
    - Battlecruiser command card (Enable Defensive Matrix and Missile Pods manually)
    - SCV command card(s) (customize buildings to enable Orbital Depots, Automated Refineries, etc)
    - Tech Lab command card(s) are completely stuffed up, manually remove Charon Boosters button from Factory Tech Lab or you will get a bugged button in game. Manually remove Marine Shields button from Barracks one (otherwise you will get 2 duplicate Marine Shield upgrades. For best results, use

    Tech Tree - Add 1 to Story Mode Tech - (Marine) Marine Shield upgrade for player 1 [sic]

    And you might want to give Wraith Cloak to the player by using the above method.

    Also, make sure to properly customize the buttons and so on for
    - Barracks units
    - Factory units
    - Starport units

    I made this as a checklist for myself because the SM dependency has so many "buggy" things.

    Registered User

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