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  • to make a new unit you need a unit, an actor, and if you aren't copying an already existing unit then a new model

    1) first make a unit, give it a name, then suggest a ID button, make sure its default, OBJECT FAMILY is MELEE, race is neutral terran zerg protoss or custom race, then select the UNIT object type

    if you are copying from a unit then you can copy the attributes from whatever you want

    the unit type is basically all the math of the object in the game engine, its resource cost, hp mp, weapon type, abilities, behaviours, and other things that seperate Unit Marine from Unit Super Commando Marine

    2) next make an actor, the same way, actor type is UNIT, based on GENERIC UNIT BASE, doodad is NOT DOODAD(doodads are seperate from unit/structure in that they are usually static and don't usually take dmg or cost resources), finally copy the actor you are copying after or just hit ok if you know what you are going to do

    the actor is basically the animations, models, portraits and sounds that go into making the Actor Marine different from the Unit Super Commando Marine

    a) adjust the (actor) art tab models to the model/portrait you want to use, here you can also adjust scale

    b) in the (actor) event sections you handle the birth, attack and other animations

    c) in the (actor) sound section you give it a click voice and movement sound

    d) finally in the (actor) combat you set up the death model and the attack voices

    3) the model is just a reference to the .m3 model in the mpqs with the ability to change scale, add weapon attachpoints and other model stuff

    next) go back to actor, make sure the Actor's Unit Name refers back to the Unit Name of the Unit Type
    so that Actor Super Marine is linked back to the Unit Super Marine
    (link the slot below the actor name token..this is very important)

    finally you need to give the Unit abilities, weapons and a train time (at your race's train ability)

    go to the unit - combat tab, weapons/weapon turret slot, add a weapon type like marine gun or chaingun or flamethrower, give it a turret if the unit cannot move/turn to shoot

    make sure your unit has the attack/stop abilities in the ability tab so that it can shoot
    and make sure it has the move abilities and movement speed so it can actually walk
    you can also steal other abilities from other units and add them to your unit like giving super commando marine the ability to blink teleport or burrow (though some abilities you have to make a unit-changed actor that shows it when its burrowed)

    now you need to be able to train it

    go to ABILITY TAB pick your race - train ability, click on a empty slot and add the button and super commando marine unit with a train time

    then go to the structure you want to train and link the ability via a button, ability command - race train - train unit

    Note: I always make the buttons before units so you will have it ready to make your train ability faster
    they are the easiest because you just pick a name and give it a picture/description and you can think about your unit and what it does while you are doing the code part

    for new unit fun
    try scourge mod - metalopolis (by me)
    ty for reading

    (((and for more help go to as they have a great modding forum)))


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