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  • (sry was watching wallstreet at the theatre)

    took me a couple of minutes because i never really bothered with mixing textures before now...

    ok i know in wc3 editor mixing terrains is alot easier but with sc2 galaxy editor it is pretty much the same except you have to make a new texture set (this will allow you to save the scheme and then reuse your specialized set for other maps in the future)

    first you go to data editor then you pull down to the terrain section and select texture terrain sets

    find a set you like like jungle/urban or name a new type of set and copy paste or create a new set by right clicking to add object

    scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see 2 panels with the terrain textures...the left is all the textures in the game and the right panel is the ones you will use ine the texture set you created....

    remove a texture you will not use and add a texture that you want to use until you have all the textures in your set you want to use

    when you are ready, leave the data editor and go to map -> map you can select your custom texture terrain set from the panel


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