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  • 1) In your initialization trigger, have a new action create your board using however many rows and columns you want.

    2) Create another action here to BoardPlayerAdd and choose the player you want to see the board using the last board you created.

    3) Create actions here using BoardItemSetText to name each part of the board using the last created board. I.e. 1,1 might be named Kills, 1,2 might be named Wave etc.

    4) Create some variables in the left pane of what you want displayed on your leaderboard. Score, points, amt of minerals, etc. Set them to type integer (should be default) and rename them for later.

    5) In the same map initialization trigger, create another action for each leaderboard line using these variables. If we named 1,1 Kills, we're going to make a duplicate for 2,1 and change the text variable from a value in the source options (which is used for regular text) to IntToText which allows us to select the variables we created in the left pane.

    6) Create a separate trigger with the event TriggerAddEventUnitDied(null) (or whatever you want triggering the board). Here you can set conditions to run if the dead unit doesn't belong to players. Create an action here to increment an integer which will be our kill variable we made earlier +1. Create another BoardItemSetText using the board you want, which item is to be set (the kills column/row), and then select the text from value to function in the source options and choose IntToText, and finally select the kills variable.

    Voila. You have a board that counts kills.

    EDIT: Sorry just found this out: In the initialization after you have your leaderboard variable, create another action after creating a board to set the variable leaderboard to the last created board. That should do it.

    Registered User

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