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  • I'm not too sure about macs, but for windows, the editor is automatically downloaded into your starcraft 2 folder when you install patch 9/10 and it should be the same for macs, if its available for macs.

    As for your bnet account, if you opted in for beta, you would have needed to already have another blizzard game registered to it, and seeing that many WoW(now converted to bnet) accounts which have been inactive for years were still playable, i doubt they would delete it for a registered account, adding the fact that there are now unlockable achivements tied to the account and they mentioned at blizzcon 09 that your info would be saved permanently on bnet 2.0. On the other hand, if you have gotten the key some other way, without another blizz game, then you really have nothing to lose if it is going to get deleted since you wont be able to play the beta.

    As for the maps, they should still be playable after the beta, especially when blizzard releases the map publishing feature. It would seem pointless to have people working so hard to create the maps only to have them unplayable due to a new patch.


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