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  • I think the part of script in GTZSpeacial.galaxy for early Gateway units chronoboost should be modified to this >>>

    else if (!AITechCount(player, c_PR_WarpGateResearch, c_techCountInProgressOnly ) > 0 && !AITechCount(player, c_PB_Gateway, c_techCountInProgressOnly ) > 0)
    { if ((AITechCount(player, c_PU_Zealot, c_techCountInProgressOnly ) > 0)
    ||(AITechCount(player, c_PU_Stalker, c_techCountInProgressOnly ) > 0)
    ||(AITechCount(player, c_PU_Sentry, c_techCountInProgressOnly ) > 0)
    ||(AITechCount(player, c_PU_DarkTemplar , c_techCountInProgressOnly ) > 0)
    ||(AITechCount(player, c_PU_HighTemplar, c_techCountInProgressOnly ) > 0) )
    { GTChronoBoost(player, j, c_PB_Gateway, "TimeWarpProduction"); }


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