GT AI Scouting Guide
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  • Hello everyone. Long time AI player, first time poster.

    After playing with this AI for a long time I decided to make it scout a bit to even out the economic advantage it had by not sending one out and also to make it less likely to hard counter your initial build with the innate AI maphacks.

    So here is a guide to add some scouting and scouting defense to your GT AI.

    You have to edit a couple of lines in 4 files.

    In MeleeAI.galaxy:

    AISetDifficulty(player, c_diffNormalVision, false); <-- set this to true.
    AISetDifficulty(player, c_diffUseExtraScouts, false); <-- this too.

    In Protoss.galaxy, Terran.galaxy, and Zerg.galaxy:

    AISetFlag(player, e_flagsScouting, false); <-- insert some truth here.
    AISetFlag(player, e_flagsEarlyDefScout, false); <-- set this to true too.

    With these changes you'll have some workers scouting inside your base every now and then. Have fun killing workers!

    Note: By changing that first line you'll also disable the AI maphack so it may not counter your build as hard or as fast as it could have with it set to false. I believe you can set it to false and still have scouting workers in your base (still needs to be verified).

    Registered User
  • I'm sorry to be a total newb here but hoe do you edit the lines? I tried using the map editor but wont let me =( Can you help me out?

  • You use Wordpad/Notepad. Anything that lets you view text and edit it will do just fine.

  • Hello,

    did anyone try this? I would like to add these things, but I am a little afraid that the AI would be pretty helpless without these cheats.


  • Another question about scouting:
    If the Easy setting does not have complete view for the AI, and the AI is not scouting, how will it react early on to my build? Only after the first push?
    Wouldn't it be better for the easy AI to scout if that modification is possible?


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