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  • Hey, Love the AI but still want to make some suggestions.

    Is it possible to make a line of difficulty where the AI will never cheat to increase the difficulty? And or where you can set different micro intensities to account for different player ability.

    Pretty much what I would like is an AI that plays "normal" as rediculous as that sounds. One that doesn't double pool into in base hatch etc. But follows more human decision making. Similar with the resources, I already think the AI is very strong in being able to decide good paths and maybe a tiny little bit of cheat can be added at some point to account for error but as much as it has it's uses. It's really wierd to play a game and hold on and trade armies for ages and then suddenly 200/200 comes out under the fog of war..

    Stuff like ninja expansions,..(maybe once every 20 games is ok or something, and then you should be able to tell something is up because you can see their economy and read it, when its inflated and wierd by cheats this is not possible). I guess what I'm trying to say is if it's possible to make it more human in those aspects and then by some interface or expanding the hard - very hard into hard + micro, hard + micro - vision etc. ? So that you can pick if you want it to decide when it actually sees what you do, rather than knowing or even being smart about it and doing it naturally.

    Ok a lot of rambling, I'm sure these is a common thing that gets pointed out, I'll just leave it like that because I think the general intention is pretty clear. To have it play conventional strategies, maybe coop with yabot builds for that? and then have the difficulty tweaked by micro intensity and decision making and if needed a mini resource tweak only to correct for inefficiencies and errors in the AI in those aspects, not to "buff it".

    Thanks very much for your time, I love the AI ever since beta I thought it was really cool project, with the integration in yabot I've been using it frequently, and it's good but it leaves some things to be desired after many games.


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