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  • Hey Juan...sry to hear about the crash...but I left this comment trying to help others out, so maybe take a look at this more in depth way I did it...hopefully it will help you out>>>>

    Hey all...for those of you who cant get this to run yet, i know it sux :( I hope maybe if I clarify a little more what i did with patching, maybe that will help. I just installed it on my sons computer, also a XP puter, and it worked perfect. I did do a little something different. Hopefully you saw this EXACT way I did it to get it to run>>>
    But when I did his, this is what i did a little different>>>>

    I created a "patch" folder right in the c:\programfiles\starcraftIIbeta folder. Then unziped ALL of the patches from 1 thru 12.1 into the support folder, then went into the support folder did the whole "start at the first (top of the list) patch file, changed name to sc2-patch.mpq, double clicked blizzard updater, wait for patch to be applied, deleted that sc2-patch.mpq that was just patched, repeated until all of those were finished. Then, went to the folder and deleted the file, and 1 by 1, did patch 13 then 14 then 15 and 16, deleted the bnet-base and bnet-bin files each time I unziped the next patch. After patch 16 was done, I ran the SC2allin1 9.7.7. And again it worked perfectly on his machine.
    I cant comment on replays, I havent tried that aspect of the launcher yet.
    But please, I know the frustration of this. Please feel free to ask anything I could help you to you soon...GroovusX :)

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