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  • djblade17
    i get the message "there is no patch file to apply".
    i put all the patch files from 1-16 in updates folder along with blizzard updater. changed file name to sc2-patch.mpg ? im really pretty clueless to this. any help would be appreciated.

    sc2-patch. mpg should be sc2-patch. mpq <-dont know if you just had a typo looks G its suppose to be a Q

    ty ty. feel like a noob thinking it was mpg. felt like that was wrong but dont know anything about this stuff. considering all teh installer files are .mpq i shouldve known!

    thanks again, found this to be the easiest way to install the latest updates.

    ::edit:: just wanted to add that its the easiest cause you only need to download 3 patches: 1-16,17, and 18. and you dont need the sc2patcher or need to backup files or choose different routine files.

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