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  • edit: If you would like to take a different route and not waste your precious time replying to this, you can edit your profile and add a dash or period after your name and include your character code. I did Heretic/967 and dcramer did zeeg.227

    This thread is to find some friends on BNet! They made it to where if you do not have their email or using facebook to find them, the ony other way is for the person to give you your Character Code so here is the layout I would like for ALL replies to include:

    Character Name
    Character Code
    Region (US/EU)
    What do you play most?
    IE: Custom Maps/ SP/ Ladders/ Co-OP/ ETC

    For me:

    Character Name
    Character Code
    What do you play most?
    Custom Maps / SP / CO-OP and will be doing Placement/Ladder games soon!

    Add me and add eachother =) Lets get a Nibbits SC2 crew runnin!

    With any questions or ideals you may have, please PM me.

    Please go ahead and begin repying with your info!! Thanks! My project in Nibbits will be organizing a Nibbits-based gaming community solely for SC2 so that we may buid us up 2v2/3v3/4v4 teams that are all Nibbits.. Anyone interested in helping me with the project or anyone interested with some special skills [Spreadsheets, HTML design, skills in administrating leagues and gaming communities] Please send a PM my way! Thanks!

    [u][i]Xfire:[/u] [i]Heretician[/i] [b][u]AIM:[/u] Heretician420 [b][u]MSN:[/u][/b]
    Heretic / 967
    North America

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