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  • If your game is cracked, then its not possible to play online. the only way to publish editor files, and log in to is to have a account. there are cracks that enable you to play in offline mode, but that removes some of the major features of what you could get if you bought it, including online play, achievements, file publishing from the map editor, and more.

    to answer another part of your question, if you have managed to find a cracked version of SC2 that uses the map editor software that comes with SC2 normally, then you can import the AI files. I have done this with GreenTea AI, which is a really solid AI. the instructions on how to do that for GreenTea Ai is found on it's project page ( where you can click on the link that says: import AI scripts to another map.

    If you have your own custom AI that does not have instructions at where you got it, you could try downloading the SC2allin1 tool which loads custom AIs, and might work for the one that you have in mind. SC2allin1 tool link:

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