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  • Hi everyone,

    I'm new to this site so I figured I'd say "hi". I've taken to map designing of late and have been having a lot of fun exploring the posibilities of the map editor.

    Problem is that it's hard to get feedback on a map so that you can improve the map and improve your map making skills. Looks like this might be a good spot to not only get that feedback but also be able to provide the same for other members.

    If you would like to have a look at and give feedback for "Bel'Shir swamp" that would be awesome :)

    Bel'Shir swamp was created from scratch but was designed on the dimensions of metalopolis with similar starting and expansion positions. There are many changes though, the biggest being the swamp in the middle which the map gets its name from which provides access through the centre of the map. There are a lot of sight blockers in the swamp meaning melee units will have an edge early game. The gold expansions have also been rotated through 90 degrees.

    I think it has a playstyle simillar to metalopolis except that the rush distance is a little longer and the gold expansion relocation makes close spawn easier to get to the mid game. Late game cross positions will allow Terrans to get good map control by using planetary fortresses.

    GL HF,


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