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  • I have a question about the 2 minute cinematics restriction.

    I'm guessing it's in there because nobody wants to have to sit through hours of crappy dialogue where they can't do anything.

    I have an idea for a story arc that would tie nicely into the Wings of Liberty campaign and put an interesting spin on its story line.

    I have found that you can pause a game mid-way through and play one of the Blizzard official cinematics which I think is almost of movie quality and would like to include it to give some context to the circumstances and see how the campaign story and the story in my map intertwine. The cinematic is about 2 minutes and 10 seconds (from memory).

    Would this be allowed? what if the cinematic could be skipped by pressing spacebar or something like that?

    This is of course all hypothetical at the moment. I'm not sure if it would be possible to do what I'm thinking from a technical perspective as well as having the free time and required knowledge to pull it off.


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