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  • Well, I can't really decide just yet, it's too early to pull any conclusions.

    From what I've seen, I like protoss best for now. They have good overall strength and mobility. It's easy to wall-in at the start and hold off any rushes. Then you build up a nice mix of zealots, stalkers and sentries, throw in some guardians too and you can easily overwhelm the enemy, warping all over the map.

    Terrans are pretty cool too. Tanks are still awesome, though not as scarry as in SC1. Cloaked banshees are pretty handy, and ghost is very usefull with EMP and nuke.

    I like zerg the least, there is just too much hassle with macroing the queens, drones and everything. The good thing is they can expand like crazy, having 3-4 expansions, while P or T have only 1 at the same time. It's funny that the zerg are kinda cute now, especially zerglings, when they burrow and their little backs stand out, so kawaiii :).


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