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  • It's actually not version independent .. it works for replays saved from Patch 9 onwards which is the patch that changed the replay file format and broke many of the original parsers. Most of the current parsers also do this.

    The best thing about this for a web-based parser is that the author has included the ability to access the files in the MPQ archive without needing to include an external library. When I was getting my replay system working for I had to be able to install libmpq and then write a c++ utility to extract the files and call that from my uploader. Not having to do this means a lot more people will be able to handle StarCraft II uploads.

    As far as other parsers go, for an offline one the best I have seen is sc2gears that you can find at

    Also you should note that, as the author himself has said, the winner is not 100% reliable - it is a guess based on eliminating those players who are seen to resign during the replay.

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