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  • What is there to say Starcraft 2 sucks. $60 per game times three parts for a whopping $180 dollars. No game is worth that. I remember when games like Total Annihilation by Cavedog came out with nice games that had open source code and you could create tons of arm and core dudes. Here is Starcraft 2, lame as hell, limited in thought, no lan allowed, expensive.

    I will never buy any games from Blizzard or their new ally Activision. I will pirate your games and figure ways around your stupid system. You will learn that GREED is not the key to gaming. Driving out your competition until your the only one left is why we are left with crap. Take Microsoft for example.

    World save your money, do not preorder, and send these clowns a clear message. Follow old school games like Total Annihilation, and boycott blizzard.



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