What do you want to see in 7.1?
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  • Rules:
    - One "want" per person.
    - Don't repeat anything that's been said before you.
    - Don't write too much.
    - Anything that's not a want gets deleted.

    I'll start.

    I want to see the AI upgrading more and earlier.

  • I'm not sure if this is really doable, but I noticed when you play say a 2v2 game (which I've tried on easy, med, and hard with 7.0) that the AI will not come to your rescue if you are attacked... sometimes he will even engage in his own attack while your base is being destroyed on the same side of the map as him..

    If this could be fixed, that would be amazing.

    Thanks Turd and team! You guys are rock stars!

    North America
  • I want to lose.

  • Ive noticed while playing 2v2 your ally seems harder then the 2 AI that you are versing even tho they are all the same difficulty and your ally runs the map

  • I want the protos AI to chrono boost other buildings, not just nexus, like chrono boosting to make units or upgrades.

  • I want Zealots to stop abandoning the ramp to their main to chase my speed lings, who then run around them, up the ramp, and kill their probes.

    Big thanks to everyone who worked on the A.I. thus far.

  • I want the Ai to stop running away when it sees a few units and stop it from constantly going back and forth deciding if it should engage or not.

    Must engage if it knows it can win, or just engage in general.. not dance around the battlefield.

    US Beta
  • when attacking with strong forces, do not retreat or wonder back and forth just because being hit by 1-2 cannons on the high ground.

  • I wish to see unit actually using their abilities. Roaches do not move while burrowed, infestors do not use fungal growth . This is just the top of the iceberg

  • I want the protos AI to chrono boost other buildings, not just nexus, like chrono boosting to make units or upgrades.

    He already does.

    I want the Ai to stop running away when it sees a few units and stop it from constantly going back and forth deciding if it should engage or not.

    Must engage if it knows it can win, or just engage in general.. not dance around the battlefield.

    I've seen this rarely, from most of my tests before release there was almost none of it. I'll have to do more testing and tweaking.

    I wish to see unit actually using their abilities. Roaches do not move while burrowed, infestors do not use fungal growth . This is just the top of the iceberg

    Hum, he might if I got him to research it, I'll look into that.

    Keep em coming.

  • Turd, Yucie is right, I've seen the Ai running away after seeing a few units and it will sometimes retreat all the way back to its base, if I follow it while it retreats, it's usually cake to take him out if he doesn't have much defense in his base.

    Maybe if the Ai could build a better balance between defenses such as bunkers with siege or something equivalent - it would prevent from running him over after he retreats...? I think the retreat is intelligent and valid, its something human players do all the time, but usually only if they have proper defenses remaining back home.

    Sorry for the long post, wanted to suggest a possible solution.

    North America
  • Turd, Yucie is right, I've seen the Ai running away after seeing a few units and it will sometimes retreat all the way back to its base, if I follow it while it retreats, it's usually cake to take him out if he doesn't have much defense in his base.

    No that's intended functionality. The idea being, he's hopefully going to rally with a few additional troops at his base/fight somewhere where it's his advantage or have defences at his base.

    If he attacked a much larger force outright rather than retreating he's going to end up a lot worse.

  • I also want the AI to stop "dancing" to and from my army's sight range. Make him make up its mind - to attack or to completely retreat. It's annoying to have to see him go back and forth every 3 seconds non-stop. =p

    yea, yea, I know. delete this if you want, but it's happening in every game I play (I like to put my army on HOLD while doing something else), and not just 'very rarely'. Can't stress this enough, really =p

  • Turdburgler
    Turd, Yucie is right, I've seen the Ai running away after seeing a few units and it will sometimes retreat all the way back to its base, if I follow it while it retreats, it's usually cake to take him out if he doesn't have much defense in his base.

    No that's intended functionality. The idea being, he's hopefully going to rally with a few additional troops at his base/fight somewhere where it's his advantage or have defences at his base.

    If he attacked a much larger force outright rather than retreating he's going to end up a lot worse.

    Even if your force is small compared to the Ai, it will still retreat even though it can stomp your little force.

    I do like the idea and concept behind it, but it needs to be tweaked to choose either attack or retreat, not both.

    US Beta
  • Better difficulty control. As I understand it, you want it too :)
    But to be specific.. I guess.. rush on/off/random, attack frequency, min force to attack with? Not sure :)

  • In addition to difficulty control, a way to alter the economy/minerals gathered (per trip) by the cpu.

  • I found that i could go straight for void rays and harass them and their army wouldn't even send. and then i could just start massing void rays and win. (played on cheating AI)

  • bad post.

    I want ai to use drop ships

  • I noticed that the chrono boost is used a few times in the beginning for upgrades and units being built but around mid game they start only using it on their nexus and nothing else. Just play a free for all with you as a spectator and 3of the same team to see this so just verifying this point.
    what i want though is the zergs creep tumours to expand themselves not just use the queen to do this

    Registered User
  • I want to see AI cheese me :)

    Nukes; what goes up, must come down.
    US Beta
  • i want the AI scouting worker to make up it's mind. Right now, it withdraws everytime it sees one of your units, which i guess is good. However, the moment the AI loses sight of your units, the worker tries to get in again. This results in you having a drone/probe/svc dancing around in front of your base untill you destroy it.
    It's pathing could also be improved. If i semi-wall off my base with 1 pylon and 2 gateways (so there's a 1-tile gap, the AI worker doesn't seem to be able to get in, and just gets stuck between the 2 gateways. Same with terran walls afaik

  • *Improvements in TeamVSTeam AI such as supporting each other, and a High Priority in upgrading of....

    Registered User
  • Turdburgler
    Turd, Yucie is right, I've seen the Ai running away after seeing a few units and it will sometimes retreat all the way back to its base, if I follow it while it retreats, it's usually cake to take him out if he doesn't have much defense in his base.

    No that's intended functionality. The idea being, he's hopefully going to rally with a few additional troops at his base/fight somewhere where it's his advantage or have defences at his base.

    If he attacked a much larger force outright rather than retreating he's going to end up a lot worse.

    I've had the AI dance around in front of my base (not fully retreating, just moving back a few steps and then recalculating, it seems) for long periods of time with V7, but never saw it in V6. I looked through the code a bit to try to figure out what was going on, but it didn't look like it was caused by your battle logic so I decided to let you handle it :P

    The first time I played V7, the AI even danced around on the side of my base on Metalopolis while I picked them off with Stalkers from the high ground.

    As for my request, I'd like to see the AI build more production buildings as their minerals get too high.

    Registered User
  • I've watched the AI run out of resources because of dancing around my cannons and getting blasted for almost an hour while I built up my army and counter attacked after the AI lost a wave to ym defenses.

    The best solution I've found is to just avoid turtling into your base, especially on the high ground, and the Ai seems to commit to an exciting battle.

    It's basically up to the human how fun he wants to make the Ai, I can outsmart the Ai, or I can work on my APM and play like the Ai does - that's what I've been trying to do until I can play online.

    Turd- I understand the functionality of the retreat, I just don't always see it work out that way... I don't understand the programming end of it much hence why I'm not bitching.

    North America
  • I want it to use more different and diverse strategies, including cheese and turtle.

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