there is no AI beside sandbox for the perpuse of avoid player to spoil the surprize (maybe isnt ready full yet too) and in order to make our life harder :P
so in other words StarCrack AI has a bright future ahead, and maybe someother strategy AIs too :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Ok vernam but i think you added one more page that you must read and respond ,otherwise people will post to other pages but its useful for chat about tool and also for people who like to write long letters!!! so for begining.. starcraft was first RTS game that i learned to play(1998) and i become addicted to it and after broodwar i waited so so long time for StarCraft 2 and when i heared about sc2beta i got madness ! and then i find this tool and ALLin1 so now i enjoy this community. i dont know why you create this tool ,for gain experience or whatever else but thank you for making sc2beta possible for us to test and enjoy befor official release.
this tool began as you have seen as a personal project for inhouse use because i was botring to copy paste files arround, and my rl job is Software Developer
so i thought hell, let do something automatic and easy, no special stuff.....
it all started about 1 month ago+ with 200Lines of code and now we are arround 3.000lines+ and counting v10 will reach for sure 5.000maybe even 10.000 if we do so local area network stuff :P (huge IF)
so after a while i said well post it over the net because the existed tools was either agly back then (not that mine was a beuty) but mostly they were unfriendly too complecated and hell BUGGY!
specially one i dont want to mention here....done by a noob programmer, without even testing it once he was releasing about 20version in a week in order to fix his bugs :P
so i thought what that heck i can do it better! then i found 1-2 guys helping me out in the photoshop part and read how to do the hacking and moding stuff, "stole" some good ideas, trow a lot of useless ideas also from others, and make it a simple tool,
in a period it was like war 6-8 launchers trying to proov it selve, whos gona do it faster and better, but i was aiming always to quality not junk releases.... and finally after 1 month there is 1 maybe 2 left that are been updated and stayed live....and StarCrack Team asked me to join them. i ws honnored and i accepted because they had minds that could do stuff for me i could or i would have to spend lots of days, and from my point of view i am trying to give them the best launcher i can, find new stuff to help them us in the AI and finall game expireance.
just like Blizzard patching and supporting and updating even after 12years!
so thats the answer to your question :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
no oosh i am making a little bit beter the default Blizzard ai and nothing more, my fellow AI developers are making StrCrack for patch 10+ so trust me you will forget patch 8 and scAI 7.02 pretty fast! next StarCrack AI will be a blast!
and i am not a Team i am part of a team now ;-) that would be wize to to what other allready know how to do better!
i am gona stick with the prepair a game and lauching part.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
@vernam7: Good job with making the AI work in Patch 9-10! :)
Anyway, with all these AI scripts around, I think the developers should create/build a common repository of all their scripts and findings. In this way, others may review/improve on the scripts already established. Having a single AI that has all the strengths of all the AIs around will be nice.
Syryuu, nice idea its need one person how know scripting and also experience of playing with each of AIs so he/she can put best part of them together and call it ALLin1 AI. :)
logo, i agree with you GreenTea AI is cool but somehow you cant tell each one is the best StarCrack or GreenTea however i think just some people knows other AIs.
but the point is we must see each one of this AI will support new maps and new patchs (with good quality )
the repository its not in my hand, but iwouldnt recomended for one reason.
people do not share! they mostly steal!
starcrack team as i learnd when i recently joined them was a very powerfull team but few members got coky and selfes and they left, starcrack team at that momment had a fre to all source code, but when thats happend people from different so called "ai or emulator teams" are starting to just clone and steal starcracks source and ideas rename it to something else and launch it as their own products!
thats stopped a lot when the repostiory locked or somepartes became readonly, cause other morons were deleberetly damaging Starcracks Team source code to make them seem late and poor etc....
so i strongly dont like the idea of opening worldwide!
i like the idea of sharing in a small community that knows what they are doing and they help and communicate with each other! not acting like selfives bastards and theaves.
open with limits for me.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
GreenTea 0.42 is released but you'll have to use zoxc launcher and delete everything in plugins folder . You can only play against terran and protoss, zerg will come later. Teams are not supported only free for all.
I tried using with vernams launcher but he is forcing only blizzard AI to load in patch 10, so i hope that will be corrected in next release.
i testedZoxc launcer its completly unstable! trust me....
and the AI isnt full compatible yet...
do your selfes a favor before meessing your installations launchers maps and files and ai, wait few hours!
i am making now the new version that will load even this "green tie" etc AI normally and always stable.
dont get me wrong when i see something good i say it, but zocx launcher i played 3 games 2 of them didnt even started the tool hunged, because isnt ready for patch 10 etc....and specially with the new maps.
my suggestion to wait ;-)
still its your PC your decision...just dont post issues later :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
and the PING location command worked pretty smooth i have to admit! lol ping that and all Ally forces straight on that building :P
i just noticed something wrong here, i dont now yet why but although i can command allie units like prot and zerg to build the builder doesnt seem to understand their own creep and pylon field and keeps asking me for i can build with those 2 races.... possible i did somthing wrong in my Ally crk hmmmmmm i will find it....
but 1st i will go and test it on to see if thats my error or blizzards bug :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
I have tried Green Tea 0.42 today with vernam7 launcher without problems. After 3 games against, with 2 wins and 1 lose. This AI have same B.O, marine harass, some marauder + tank.
I hope will have a Zerg AI release for this week-end.... In 4 hours, i'll not use internet before monday. Aiur Protoss is good enought, It did a Dark Templars rush vs me :D Unfortunately, when there more than one protoss cpu in the game, the others have Blizzard stupidy.
Thx all for making star 2 beta offline :D
Random Starcraft 2 player.
Only playing for Fun !!!
It's A Good Day To Die.
vernam7the repository its not in my hand, but iwouldnt recomended for one reason.
people do not share! they mostly steal!
starcrack team as i learnd when i recently joined them was a very powerfull team but few members got coky and selfes and they left, starcrack team at that momment had a fre to all source code, but when thats happend people from different so called "ai or emulator teams" are starting to just clone and steal starcracks source and ideas rename it to something else and launch it as their own products!
thats stopped a lot when the repostiory locked or somepartes became readonly, cause other morons were deleberetly damaging Starcracks Team source code to make them seem late and poor etc....
so i strongly dont like the idea of opening worldwide!
i like the idea of sharing in a small community that knows what they are doing and they help and communicate with each other! not acting like selfives bastards and theaves.
open with limits for me.
@vernam7: Ow, I agree w/ your idea of having just a small group of developers working to incorporate the strengths of all the AIs. "Stealing" would be to take something from others and say that the work is their own right? That's y I don't share my launcher because most of it was reverse engineered from Valkirie's launcher..hehe..
@logo: Just tried AI vs AI in patch 10, StarCrack 7.02 (Zerg) vs Aiur 2.0 Alpha 12 (Protoss)..Protoss had no chance...But I have to admit, StarCrack 7.02 Protoss kinda sucks..hehe
Anyone know of any strong Protoss or Terran AI? :)
i just learned we have a dead line from our leader to the new AI, i am not gona say the day, but its very close.
what i am gona say is that the AI team is not upgrading Sc 7.0.2, they are completly rewrite the entire AI for all races from 0 supporting fantastic new abilities!!!
thats why takes time! hehe
@Syryuu reversing others tools, (if they are stupid enough leaving it unprotected) is ok, claming been yours its not. i agree with you as well. but trust me Valks laucnher is doing some stuff so damn wrong and code lazy, its very bad in performance and amature coding. you dont want to learn the "wrong" way trust me again :P
i read his code do, i even told him lots of stuff to improve it and make it faster as mine, and bug free, but his Ego was to big, and look where his project is now....DEAD.
p.s i really sometimes hated that kid, cause he was using my solution and NEVER mentioned a simple (tnx Vernam7 for that or this) nothing! when someone helps me a lot in my tool, his name goes always to the change log, and the credits, i give them earlier access to my internal builds to test, its the least i can do.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
@vernam7: yep, i agree the code wasn't very professional but i can't really say i'm better.hehe which part of the code did he copy from your work?
anyway, that's great news with the new starcrack AI! i'm thinking of moving to AI scripting coz i think my launcher project is about 90% done. i'm excited to see how starcrack AI will improve. :)
Syryuu i dint say he copied, i gave it to him some ideas for improvent that he took, ok maybe the imlementation was so good, but was better than before, and he didnt even say "tnx".
specially whn me and et2010 that helped alot, found the correct way to hack the map and make the start location to work! i gave Valk back then the solution to the "plate" and he was trying to fixes his start location in minimap and ingame in 4-5 version with no success,, i think his latest build still doesnt work for windows not been en-us.
but lets drop that,
now about the online stuff, here i cant say anything so you can understand what ever you want from that ;-)
i need to get back to work, so many thing to do and i target for a night release.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
This Business Is Binary. Your a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
so vernam now what is you 0 or 1 ? or maybe 0.5 ,in coma :D
Do not mistake! ..i mean maybe you faint because of hard work
some request: plz dont remove game version option(because of some old maps like contra) plz make an option in menu for selecting AIs (from folders with TriggerLibs) plz check reading map info ,with this map "Star chess Beta V103" your launcher says it modified by another launcher and wont work,(there is some other maps like this have problem) i dont need answer just if its possible please do it! thank you in advance
Talk here about the tool or other in general info you wish to share with us and the community!
this is a RULE posts with question and tech support here will be deleted automatically!
The FireBat warned you!

let me start its once more official Blizzard talked about us "sidewise" in this latest interview;title;2#toggle_video
there is no AI beside sandbox for the perpuse of avoid player to spoil the surprize (maybe isnt ready full yet too) and in order to make our life harder :P
so in other words StarCrack AI has a bright future ahead, and maybe someother strategy AIs too :P
Ok vernam but i think you added one more page that you must read and respond ,otherwise people will post to other pages but its useful for chat about tool and also for people who like to write long letters!!!
so for begining.. starcraft was first RTS game that i learned to play(1998) and i become addicted to it and after broodwar i waited so so long time for StarCraft 2 and when i heared about sc2beta i got madness ! and then i find this tool and ALLin1 so now i enjoy this community.
i dont know why you create this tool ,for gain experience or whatever else but thank you for making sc2beta possible for us to test and enjoy befor official release.
i am not gonna do support here...promise :P
this tool began as you have seen as a personal project for inhouse use because i was botring to copy paste files arround, and my rl job is Software Developer
so i thought hell, let do something automatic and easy, no special stuff.....
it all started about 1 month ago+ with 200Lines of code and now we are arround 3.000lines+ and counting v10 will reach for sure 5.000maybe even 10.000 if we do so local area network stuff :P (huge IF)
so after a while i said well post it over the net because the existed tools was either agly back then (not that mine was a beuty) but mostly they were unfriendly too complecated and hell BUGGY!
specially one i dont want to mention here....done by a noob programmer, without even testing it once he was releasing about 20version in a week in order to fix his bugs :P
so i thought what that heck i can do it better! then i found 1-2 guys helping me out in the photoshop part and read how to do the hacking and moding stuff, "stole" some good ideas, trow a lot of useless ideas also from others, and make it a simple tool,
in a period it was like war 6-8 launchers trying to proov it selve, whos gona do it faster and better, but i was aiming always to quality not junk releases....
and finally after 1 month there is 1 maybe 2 left that are been updated and stayed live....and StarCrack Team asked me to join them. i ws honnored and i accepted because they had minds that could do stuff for me i could or i would have to spend lots of days, and from my point of view i am trying to give them the best launcher i can, find new stuff to help them us in the AI and finall game expireance.
just like Blizzard patching and supporting and updating even after 12years!
so thats the answer to your question :P
hehe, the firebat looks so fearsome
i'm not sure how the rest of the world feels,
i think vernam team should focus to write smarter/better AI for Open/Mid/Late for 14803.
everything works perfect in 14803, it is like full game already , except no online/multiplayer... full singleplayer game.
if you improve the AI scripts for 14803/"Starcrack AI 7.02" ... i wont play after patch8 anymore.. i will forever keep SCAllinOne 14803.
i read some of the AI "Open/Mid/Late" , i am sure you guys, maybe turdblug can just improve that/make more complicated scripts..
instead of rebuild all launcher and test everything again.. o:
no oosh i am making a little bit beter the default Blizzard ai and nothing more, my fellow AI developers are making StrCrack for patch 10+ so trust me you will forget patch 8 and scAI 7.02 pretty fast! next StarCrack AI will be a blast!
and i am not a Team i am part of a team now ;-)
that would be wize to to what other allready know how to do better!
i am gona stick with the prepair a game and lauching part.
Best AI in this order:
1.Strategy and Aiur
2.GreenTea and Dozerg
Lets be fair Chinese AI are best at moment.
to be honest i havent test it :P
@vernam7: Good job with making the AI work in Patch 9-10! :)
Anyway, with all these AI scripts around, I think the developers should create/build a common repository of all their scripts and findings. In this way, others may review/improve on the scripts already established. Having a single AI that has all the strengths of all the AIs around will be nice.
Syryuu, nice idea its need one person how know scripting and also experience of playing with each of AIs so he/she can put best part of them together and call it ALLin1 AI. :)
logo, i agree with you GreenTea AI is cool but somehow you cant tell each one is the best StarCrack or GreenTea however i think just some people knows other AIs.
but the point is we must see each one of this AI will support new maps and new patchs (with good quality )
the repository its not in my hand, but iwouldnt recomended for one reason.
people do not share! they mostly steal!
starcrack team as i learnd when i recently joined them was a very powerfull team but few members got coky and selfes and they left, starcrack team at that momment had a fre to all source code, but when thats happend people from different so called "ai or emulator teams" are starting to just clone and steal starcracks source and ideas rename it to something else and launch it as their own products!
thats stopped a lot when the repostiory locked or somepartes became readonly, cause other morons were deleberetly damaging Starcracks Team source code to make them seem late and poor etc....
so i strongly dont like the idea of opening worldwide!
i like the idea of sharing in a small community that knows what they are doing and they help and communicate with each other! not acting like selfives bastards and theaves.
open with limits for me.
Good news guys
You can now play against good AI in patch 10.
GreenTea 0.42 is released but you'll have to use zoxc launcher and delete everything in plugins folder .
You can only play against terran and protoss, zerg will come later. Teams are not supported only free for all.
I tried using with vernams launcher but he is forcing only blizzard AI to load in patch 10, so i hope that will be corrected in next release.
i testedZoxc launcer its completly unstable! trust me....
and the AI isnt full compatible yet...
do your selfes a favor before meessing your installations launchers maps and files and ai, wait few hours!
i am making now the new version that will load even this "green tie" etc AI normally and always stable.
dont get me wrong when i see something good i say it, but zocx launcher i played 3 games 2 of them didnt even started the tool hunged, because isnt ready for patch 10 etc....and specially with the new maps.
my suggestion to wait ;-)
still its your PC your decision...just dont post issues later :P
@logo "forcing" blizzard ai was the only way to avoid noobs crying "og i see a blank map no units why???????"
still didnt work that well, by the time i did that, there were NON ai available to test arround and now are only 2 and those with only 1 race each!
;-) wait my friend wait and you will not loose!
vernam this is what i asked you in support forum but you didnt answer! anyway its good to hear you will support green tea ai and etc in next version .
i htink i answer it but dont remamber now :P
anyway here is how the latest game was

and the PING location command worked pretty smooth i have to admit! lol ping that and all Ally forces straight on that building :P
i just noticed something wrong here, i dont now yet why but although i can command allie units like prot and zerg to build the builder doesnt seem to understand their own creep and pylon field and keeps asking me for i can build with those 2 races.... possible i did somthing wrong in my Ally crk hmmmmmm i will find it....
but 1st i will go and test it on to see if thats my error or blizzards bug :P
Hi all,
I have tried Green Tea 0.42 today with vernam7 launcher without problems.
After 3 games against, with 2 wins and 1 lose.
This AI have same B.O, marine harass, some marauder + tank.
I hope will have a Zerg AI release for this week-end....
In 4 hours, i'll not use internet before monday.
Aiur Protoss is good enought, It did a Dark Templars rush vs me :D
Unfortunately, when there more than one protoss cpu in the game, the others have Blizzard stupidy.
Thx all for making star 2 beta offline :D
nailed it is SC2's bug that if i have a Protoss Ally and order a building doesnt recognise its own powerfield grid to build! with zergs works ok.
@vernam7: Ow, I agree w/ your idea of having just a small group of developers working to incorporate the strengths of all the AIs. "Stealing" would be to take something from others and say that the work is their own right? That's y I don't share my launcher because most of it was reverse engineered from Valkirie's launcher..hehe..
@logo: Just tried AI vs AI in patch 10, StarCrack 7.02 (Zerg) vs Aiur 2.0 Alpha 12 (Protoss)..Protoss had no chance...But I have to admit, StarCrack 7.02 Protoss kinda sucks..hehe
Anyone know of any strong Protoss or Terran AI? :)
i just learned we have a dead line from our leader to the new AI, i am not gona say the day, but its very close.
what i am gona say is that the AI team is not upgrading Sc 7.0.2, they are completly rewrite the entire AI for all races from 0 supporting fantastic new abilities!!!
thats why takes time! hehe
@Syryuu reversing others tools, (if they are stupid enough leaving it unprotected) is ok, claming been yours its not. i agree with you as well.
but trust me Valks laucnher is doing some stuff so damn wrong and code lazy, its very bad in performance and amature coding. you dont want to learn the "wrong" way trust me again :P
i read his code do, i even told him lots of stuff to improve it and make it faster as mine, and bug free, but his Ego was to big, and look where his project is now....DEAD.
p.s i really sometimes hated that kid, cause he was using my solution and NEVER mentioned a simple (tnx Vernam7 for that or this) nothing! when someone helps me a lot in my tool, his name goes always to the change log, and the credits, i give them earlier access to my internal builds to test, its the least i can do.
@vernam7: yep, i agree the code wasn't very professional but i can't really say i'm better.hehe which part of the code did he copy from your work?
anyway, that's great news with the new starcrack AI! i'm thinking of moving to AI scripting coz i think my launcher project is about 90% done. i'm excited to see how starcrack AI will improve. :)
so when are we gonna see the first online stuff? or have you decided not to do that at all? Sorry im just getting all pumped up :P
Syryuu i dint say he copied, i gave it to him some ideas for improvent that he took, ok maybe the imlementation was so good, but was better than before, and he didnt even say "tnx".
specially whn me and et2010 that helped alot, found the correct way to hack the map and make the start location to work! i gave Valk back then the solution to the "plate" and he was trying to fixes his start location in minimap and ingame in 4-5 version with no success,, i think his latest build still doesnt work for windows not been en-us.
but lets drop that,
now about the online stuff, here i cant say anything so you can understand what ever you want from that ;-)
i need to get back to work, so many thing to do and i target for a night release.
so vernam now what is you 0 or 1 ? or maybe 0.5 ,in coma :D
Do not mistake! ..i mean maybe you faint because of hard work
some request:
plz dont remove game version option(because of some old maps like contra)
plz make an option in menu for selecting AIs (from folders with TriggerLibs)
plz check reading map info ,with this map "Star chess Beta V103" your launcher says it modified by another launcher and wont work,(there is some other maps like this have problem)
i dont need answer just if its possible please do it!
thank you in advance