is there any map protector?
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  • hello everyone im morrow.morrow eu from and ive been making some maps etc

    i got a question tho. i havent seen this topic anywhere around but is there any map protector out there to download?
    i made a pretty cool map here but once i publish it i dont want ppl to be able to open and edit it. dota in wc3 and the proleague maps in sc1 was unable to open because they were protected

    please link or create a protector it will be much appreciated over the world :D


    Registered User
  • Map "protectors" in the past, as in SC and WC3 are but tweaks to the way the games launcher would look at the file, and the editor as well. They were essentially exploited glitches.

    If a map protector comes out, it'll either be through Blizzard and their map publishing feature, or through an exploit that may (will?) eventually be found.

    I haz custom title
    US Beta
  • Update; a new thread about publishing came out and heres official response:

    "Locked For Editing (Maps only) - Before publishing a map for the first time, you are required to choose whether it will be Locked or Unlocked.

    A Locked map, once published, cannot be opened in the editor by anyone, including yourself. Choose this option if you want to prevent others from viewing or copying your map using the editor. However, make sure to retain a local copy of your map for future modification in the editor.

    I haz custom title
    US Beta

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