====== Version 0.59======================= - Fixing bug that make Protoss AI stop training units. - The AI will guarding at the choke point. - Minor build improving for all races.
====== Version 0.6 ======================= - Overlord "moving". - Overlord generate creeps. - Make overseer detect.
====== Version 0.61 ======================= - Fix some balance in strategy for Zerg.
====== Version 0.62 ======================= - Change the position of Cybernetic Core of Protoss race. - Fix the enemy detection line.
====== Version 0.62.1 ======================= - Replace the 6 pool build of the Hellhouse with more effective build that mainly using Speedling.
====== Version 0.63 ======================= - Change the supply depot Position for terran. - Change the way of attack for Terran. - Modified build. ====== Version 0.63T =======================
_ Remade Terran Commander (50%) _ Remove Timer. _ Remove bug when AI expand to island location, they transport force to the island. This time it will stand in the main base.
====== Version 0.64 ======================= _ Terran Commander Remade 100% _ Add some SCV to Repair Mechanical Unit when attacking enemy ( Thor, Battle Cruiser, Tank... ).
====== Version 0.65 ======================= _ Fix to work with patch 1.2.0
====== Version 0.66======================= _ Fixing the bug which AI puts 6 workers one one gas. Now it split even _ Adding 3 more commander for Prot _ GT AI 0.66 ( FFA ): is used with FFA style _ GT AI 0.66 normal : is used with 1 vs 1/ team game.
====== Version 0.7======================= _ Adding 2 commander for Prot that priority air units. _ Fixing the bugs that zerg stoping the expand when there are enemy units near the expand. _ Improve Insane Commander build.
====== Version 0.71======================= _ Add 1 Commander for Protoss Gaia: It mainly force is Zealot but when versus terran it will research Zealot Charge first while versus zerg it will research +1 attack first. _ Reverse the AI Chat function back. _ Make the Zergling don't attack walling building at beginning.
====== Version 0.72 ==================== _ Add 2 commander for Protoss: These commander using 1 one base strategy. _ Protoss's Nexus now set rally to the mineral like other races.
====== Version 0.73 ==================== + Add some cheese fun strategy like SCV Rush, Drone Drush, 7 pool, ... + Zerg AI now produce Overlord faster. + If the first base is destroyed, it will choose other expand at the main base.
====== Version 0.74 ==================== + Terran AI will always build one Bunker at the choke point to defend early harrassment ( since it can not use walling ). The AI will remove the Bunker when it expand. + Phoenix's harrassment now enough. Add 1 commander for Protoss that using Phoenix for harrassing.
====== Version 0.75 ==================== + Modify the counter function for Zerg Race. + Basic Mutalisk, Banshee, Voidray harrass. Now they will also aim for worker, not only building.
====== Version 0.76/0.77 ==================== + Change the Commander SCV Rush to 5 rax strategy. + Fix some bug for Zerg AI that some time get supply block. + Fix issue that Terran AI sometime does not build Gas on the expand. + Protoss AI research ExtendedThermalLance when training the first Collosus.
====== Version 0.78 ==================== + Fix the bug AI stop building when attack. + AI will cancel expand when enemy is attacking and no army force nearyby to defend.
====== Version 0.8 ==================== _ Fixed the Insane Zerg AI. _ Fixed some strategy for Zerg. Now Zerg will upgrade to Broodlord when needed.
====== Version 0.82 ==================== * Modify Difficulty Scale:
+ Very Easy : It is vanilla very hard AI. + Easy : GT AI ( normal vision like player) + Medium : GT AI ( full vision, normal harvest rate ) + Hard : Same harvest rate at the player at the beginning, then slowly increase from 1 to 1.5 times in 10 minutes. + Very Hard : Same harvest rate at the player at the beginning, then rapidly increase from 1 to 2.0 times in 10 minutes. + Insane : The AI get double resources at the begining. Only use 1 strategy for each races but using all the units in the game.
*AI Command: Type "-help" in the chat box to show list of command line (x, y is the input number)
-restart : quick map restart; -ffa : AI use strategy on FFA map; -aichat : AI will sometimes chat with you; -aishutup : AI will remain silent; -showhr : Show AI harvest rate; -hidehr : Hide AI harvest rate; -se x y : AI player x will select commander y;
====== Version 0.84 ==================== * Improve AI Micro:
- Hit & Run Attack - Building Flying: Only Barracks, Starport, Factory can fly. - Faster CreepTumor Expand _ Fix bug for "-restart" command not have 3 larva at each Hatchery. Now they will appear. _ Fix ability command to Banshee, Stalker, Marine, ..., now thay can you Stimpack, Cloak, Blink,.. _ Tank will ready in SiegeMode when defense. _ Banshee and Mutalisk will prefer shooting Worker when they have chance near them. _ Reduce the Micro skill of the AI to be more "human".
====== Version 0.84b ==================== _ Fix the AI passive bug make AI don't attack.
====== Version 0.86 ==================== _ Adding and improving commander strategy for Protoss, also add some cheese build like Photon Cannon. _ Baneling will keep a distance from a Rock. _ Extra two restart command : + "-re": full restart + "-qe": quick restart. _ Adding Prevention System that prevent player from attack AI early on.
====== Version 0.89 ==================== _ Removing Blizzard AI, replace to GT AI, but adding Peace Time that won't allow AI to attack in first 10 minutes ( except cheese build like Cannon Rush, 6 pool, ... ) _ Modify micro function, make all unit move to same direction instead of spiting out, so it more like human. _ Modify the Phoenix "Graviton Beam", ability, so it won't pick up small unit like "Zergling", "Larva". Also only allow 1 Phoenix use this Ability. _ Adding Build Order Record System, type "-rc" to record build order. Type "-le [number]" for AI to learn that build order and save to slot [number]. => SO you can creating your own strategy
====== Version 0.9 ==================== _ Modify the "Peace" timer position on Very Easy Difficulty _ AVS System in alpha state released. _ Improve performance of AI on low CPU computer. _ Fix the "stop" bug when AI in combat, now it even smoother. _ Turret placement system thanks to Nexxy. _ Different type of Micro when Vs splashing unit and normal unit. _ When attacking enemy, AI will prefer attack worker unit ( Probe/ drone/ SCV) instead of attacking building.
============ Version 0.93 ============ - Zerg Extractor Trick now also recorded and AI can perform it in the custom build. _ Fixed the array data error in record function. _ Adding "-nowall" command to Disable AI Walling at begining.
============ Version 0.98 ============ _ Changed the Hard difficulty, no longer has bonus resources, but upgrade faster than Medium difficulty.
======= version 0.99 =================== _ A lot of Micro improvement : + Viking now only land ground when there are no air unit near by. + Hellion will stop running when being repaired. + Stalker will not hit and run again Bunker and focus on Armor unit. + When Infestor close to Die, it will generate the Infested Terran before dying.
_ Adding and improve some commander: + Changed Hera to faster 4 Warpgate build. + Adding 2 new Macro Style Terran Commander. + Fixing Zerg Commander
_ Improve the upgrade timing : + Adding more upgrade building ( EngineerBay, Armory, Forge ). + Upgrade timing faster. Expect +3 attacks, +3 defense units in late game. ( But AI will stop upgrade when low on unit number )
To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
_ Remove the old record command. _ Record Strategy can not be easier with the new friendly interface:
To record build order, you only need to check to record option at the start:
After finish your Build Order, press the "Save" button will appear the "Build Order Board".
Choosing one slot, type in name and detail, press "Save" the step list will show you what you have recorded.
Restart the Game, now do some test with the new record Build Order by pressing "Load/Test Build Order".
There are 2 mode: + "Load": Fighting AI with new Build Order. + "Test": View the AI doing the Build Order.
For Ex:
=========== Version 1.01 =================
+ Adding a true timer option ( this timer will run when you playing the game, and will stop if the game pause ) + Protoss will upgrade weapon first before upgrading armor. + Tank Unit now have some sort of micro like other units. + Fix the bug that cause Zerg AI always choose worker rush at the start.
=========== Version 1.02 =================
+ Change commander select type: Now observer can select the commander as well but you must view as one of players.
+ Reduce difficulty for Hard => Insane: All upgrade now required for AI and they progress like medium AI.
+ Fixing the BO record problem for Zerg Race ( Thanks to pi-sa )
+ Improve Zerg AI: => Modified counter unit of Zerg Race. => Zerg know when is the right time to massing drone and when it needed to stop product Drone for Defense or Build Army.
+ Edit/ Creating BO: => Not only you can record your BO, you can also edit the BO you just recorded for better timing. => You can also creating the new BO from the start and let AI do step by step. There are also Play and Pause button so you can paused AI to adding step to BO or let AI continue the BO.
+ Adding two random mode: => VS Random BO : Let AI pick up a random BO you created. => VS Random All General and BO : AI will pick up Randomly between the current AI Commander and your BO.
============= GTBOP AI 1.07 ============= - AI won't attack Larva or Egg any more unless there are nothing else to attack. - GT Reminder don't show at the start, so you can choose the commander at usually. - Two new command in observer mode: + "-r" : Quick random match. + "-s" : Quick commander select. - New features: Build Order Practice: + Let player practice to perfect their Build Order they have just created. + This mode will appear the "AI Attack" button, that can let you practice build order in peaceful, or let the AI attack at usually.
To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
* added a new Army Value without Structure Defence values * complete new Roach AI, I stopped Roach-burrow-dancing :) * changed some Medivac behaviors * added first steps for Anti-Drop-Detection-System * fixed a TriggerError caused by Pylons in very very long games * removed some bad manners right after the first attack (HAHAHA I WIN) * for AI vs AI tester : new command at the first 10 sec : "-go" * Toss should build only 2 Forges now * new Pylon and Structure placement for Protoss to remove the Stalker and Zealot trap * Performance changes in AVS * Enemyarmy value calculation in AVS has changed a little * reduced own-AVS Strength for Protoss to avoid early attacks * changes in AVS to detect ArmyValue without Structure Defence values * limit AVS calc to 1 per sec * Overworked the 4-Gate Commander Witness IV to become more deadly * some minor performance changes * some minor AI micro changes
Michael Kors Petite Malle Bag Once again, we'll get things started with Alicia Vikander, carrying a different version of the same bag we saw her carrying last week. Alicia brought this little Louis Vuitton to a recent appearance on Good Morning America.
Buying a pair of Adidas Yeezy Boosts is no easy task as things stand, but grabbing this upcoming pair may be more difficult than ever.Fake Yeezys For Sale
Best Fake Yeezy drop together with West’s Calabasas-themed designs, which so far include striped tracksuits, and even the YEEZY Season 5 invitation, which references the Lost Hills
====== Version 0.59=======================
- Fixing bug that make Protoss AI stop training units.
- The AI will guarding at the choke point.
- Minor build improving for all races.
====== Version 0.6 =======================
- Overlord "moving".
- Overlord generate creeps.
- Make overseer detect.
====== Version 0.61 =======================
- Fix some balance in strategy for Zerg.
====== Version 0.62 =======================
- Change the position of Cybernetic Core of Protoss race.
- Fix the enemy detection line.
====== Version 0.62.1 =======================
- Replace the 6 pool build of the Hellhouse with more effective build that mainly using Speedling.
====== Version 0.63 =======================
- Change the supply depot Position for terran.
- Change the way of attack for Terran.
- Modified build.
====== Version 0.63T =======================
_ Remade Terran Commander (50%)
_ Remove Timer.
_ Remove bug when AI expand to island location, they transport force to the island. This time it will stand in the main base.
====== Version 0.64 =======================
_ Terran Commander Remade 100%
_ Add some SCV to Repair Mechanical Unit when attacking enemy ( Thor, Battle Cruiser, Tank... ).
====== Version 0.65 =======================
_ Fix to work with patch 1.2.0
====== Version 0.66=======================
_ Fixing the bug which AI puts 6 workers one one gas. Now it split even
_ Adding 3 more commander for Prot
_ GT AI 0.66 ( FFA ): is used with FFA style
_ GT AI 0.66 normal : is used with 1 vs 1/ team game.
====== Version 0.7=======================
_ Adding 2 commander for Prot that priority air units.
_ Fixing the bugs that zerg stoping the expand when there are enemy units near the expand.
_ Improve Insane Commander build.
====== Version 0.71=======================
_ Add 1 Commander for Protoss Gaia: It mainly force is Zealot but when versus terran it will research Zealot Charge first while versus zerg it will research +1 attack first.
_ Reverse the AI Chat function back.
_ Make the Zergling don't attack walling building at beginning.
====== Version 0.72 ====================
_ Add 2 commander for Protoss: These commander using 1 one base strategy.
_ Protoss's Nexus now set rally to the mineral like other races.
====== Version 0.73 ====================
+ Add some cheese fun strategy like SCV Rush, Drone Drush, 7 pool, ...
+ Zerg AI now produce Overlord faster.
+ If the first base is destroyed, it will choose other expand at the main base.
====== Version 0.74 ====================
+ Terran AI will always build one Bunker at the choke point to defend early harrassment ( since it can not use walling ). The AI will remove the Bunker when it expand.
+ Phoenix's harrassment now enough. Add 1 commander for Protoss that using Phoenix for harrassing.
====== Version 0.75 ====================
+ Modify the counter function for Zerg Race.
+ Basic Mutalisk, Banshee, Voidray harrass. Now they will also aim for worker, not only building.
====== Version 0.76/0.77 ====================
+ Change the Commander SCV Rush to 5 rax strategy.
+ Fix some bug for Zerg AI that some time get supply block.
+ Fix issue that Terran AI sometime does not build Gas on the expand.
+ Protoss AI research ExtendedThermalLance when training the first Collosus.
====== Version 0.78 ====================
+ Fix the bug AI stop building when attack.
+ AI will cancel expand when enemy is attacking and no army force nearyby to defend.
====== Version 0.8 ====================
_ Fixed the Insane Zerg AI.
_ Fixed some strategy for Zerg. Now Zerg will upgrade to Broodlord when needed.
====== Version 0.82 ====================
* Modify Difficulty Scale:
+ Very Easy : It is vanilla very hard AI.
+ Easy : GT AI ( normal vision like player)
+ Medium : GT AI ( full vision, normal harvest rate )
+ Hard : Same harvest rate at the player at the beginning, then slowly increase from 1 to 1.5 times in 10 minutes.
+ Very Hard : Same harvest rate at the player at the beginning, then rapidly increase from 1 to 2.0 times in 10 minutes.
+ Insane : The AI get double resources at the begining. Only use 1 strategy for each races but using all the units in the game.
*AI Command: Type "-help" in the chat box to show list of command line (x, y is the input number)
-restart : quick map restart;
-ffa : AI use strategy on FFA map;
-aichat : AI will sometimes chat with you;
-aishutup : AI will remain silent;
-showhr : Show AI harvest rate;
-hidehr : Hide AI harvest rate;
-se x y : AI player x will select commander y;
====== Version 0.84 ====================
* Improve AI Micro:
- Hit & Run Attack
- Building Flying: Only Barracks, Starport, Factory can fly.
- Faster CreepTumor Expand
_ Fix bug for "-restart" command not have 3 larva at each Hatchery. Now they will appear.
_ Fix ability command to Banshee, Stalker, Marine, ..., now thay can you Stimpack, Cloak, Blink,..
_ Tank will ready in SiegeMode when defense.
_ Banshee and Mutalisk will prefer shooting Worker when they have chance near them.
_ Reduce the Micro skill of the AI to be more "human".
====== Version 0.84b ====================
_ Fix the AI passive bug make AI don't attack.
====== Version 0.86 ====================
_ Adding and improving commander strategy for Protoss, also add some cheese build like Photon Cannon.
_ Baneling will keep a distance from a Rock.
_ Extra two restart command :
+ "-re": full restart
+ "-qe": quick restart.
_ Adding Prevention System that prevent player from attack AI early on.
====== Version 0.89 ====================
_ Removing Blizzard AI, replace to GT AI, but adding Peace Time that won't allow AI to attack in first 10 minutes ( except cheese build like Cannon Rush, 6 pool, ... )
_ Modify micro function, make all unit move to same direction instead of spiting out, so it more like human.
_ Modify the Phoenix "Graviton Beam", ability, so it won't pick up small unit like "Zergling", "Larva". Also only allow 1 Phoenix use this Ability.
_ Adding Build Order Record System, type "-rc" to record build order. Type "-le [number]" for AI to learn that build order and save to slot [number].
=> SO you can creating your own strategy
====== Version 0.9 ====================
_ Modify the "Peace" timer position on Very Easy Difficulty
_ AVS System in alpha state released.
_ Improve performance of AI on low CPU computer.
_ Fix the "stop" bug when AI in combat, now it even smoother.
_ Turret placement system thanks to Nexxy.
_ Different type of Micro when Vs splashing unit and normal unit.
_ When attacking enemy, AI will prefer attack worker unit ( Probe/ drone/ SCV) instead of attacking building.
============ Version 0.93 ============
- Zerg Extractor Trick now also recorded and AI can perform it in the custom build.
_ Fixed the array data error in record function.
_ Adding "-nowall" command to Disable AI Walling at begining.
============ Version 0.98 ============
_ Changed the Hard difficulty, no longer has bonus resources, but upgrade faster than Medium difficulty.
======= version 0.99 ===================
_ A lot of Micro improvement :
+ Viking now only land ground when there are no air unit near by.
+ Hellion will stop running when being repaired.
+ Stalker will not hit and run again Bunker and focus on Armor unit.
+ When Infestor close to Die, it will generate the Infested Terran before dying.
_ Adding and improve some commander:
+ Changed Hera to faster 4 Warpgate build.
+ Adding 2 new Macro Style Terran Commander.
+ Fixing Zerg Commander
_ Improve the upgrade timing :
+ Adding more upgrade building ( EngineerBay, Armory, Forge ).
+ Upgrade timing faster. Expect +3 attacks, +3 defense units in late game. ( But AI will stop upgrade when low on unit number )
======= version 1.0 ===================
_ Remove the old record command.
_ Record Strategy can not be easier with the new friendly interface:
To record build order, you only need to check to record option at the start:

After finish your Build Order, press the "Save" button will appear the "Build Order Board".
Choosing one slot, type in name and detail, press "Save" the step list will show you what you have recorded.
Restart the Game, now do some test with the new record Build Order by pressing "Load/Test Build Order".
There are 2 mode:
+ "Load": Fighting AI with new Build Order.
+ "Test": View the AI doing the Build Order.
For Ex:

=========== Version 1.01 =================
+ Adding a true timer option ( this timer will run when you playing the game, and will stop if the game pause )
+ Protoss will upgrade weapon first before upgrading armor.
+ Tank Unit now have some sort of micro like other units.
+ Fix the bug that cause Zerg AI always choose worker rush at the start.
=========== Version 1.02 =================
+ Change commander select type:

Now observer can select the commander as well but you must view as one of players.
+ Reduce difficulty for Hard => Insane:
All upgrade now required for AI and they progress like medium AI.
+ Fixing the BO record problem for Zerg Race ( Thanks to pi-sa )
+ Improve Zerg AI:
=> Modified counter unit of Zerg Race.
=> Zerg know when is the right time to massing drone and when it needed to stop product Drone for Defense or Build Army.
+ Edit/ Creating BO:

=> Not only you can record your BO, you can also edit the BO you just recorded for better timing.
=> You can also creating the new BO from the start and let AI do step by step. There are also Play and Pause button so you can paused AI to adding step to BO or let AI continue the BO.
+ Adding two random mode:
=> VS Random BO : Let AI pick up a random BO you created.
=> VS Random All General and BO : AI will pick up Randomly between the current AI Commander and your BO.
============= GTBOP AI 1.07 =============
- AI won't attack Larva or Egg any more unless there are nothing else to attack.
- GT Reminder don't show at the start, so you can choose the commander at usually.
- Two new command in observer mode:
+ "-r" : Quick random match.
+ "-s" : Quick commander select.
- New features: Build Order Practice:
+ Let player practice to perfect their Build Order they have just created.
+ This mode will appear the "AI Attack" button, that can let you practice build order in peaceful, or let the AI attack at usually.
update to 1.09(rev 14) changlog:
where can i download gtbop 1.07 or 1.09?
keep this updated plz if you can :)
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