Map Variants
Name | Mode |
1 v 1 Two players fight to the death. |
1v1 Melee |
2 v 2 Two teams of two vie for dominance. |
2v2 Melee |
Free For All All players fight until only one remains. |
FFA Melee |
Yucie and Zeeg
On Shakuras Plateau with 12 commentsTerran vs Terran vs Zerg vs Protoss -
4 Player Matchup
On Shakuras Plateau with 0 commentsProtoss vs Zerg vs Zerg vs Zerg -
4 Player Matchup
On Shakuras Plateau with 0 commentsTerran vs Zerg vs Protoss vs Zerg -
4 Player Matchup
On Shakuras Plateau with 0 commentsProtoss vs Terran vs Zerg vs Terran -
4 Player Matchup
On Shakuras Plateau with 0 commentsProtoss vs Zerg vs Terran vs Protoss -
2v2 T T vs T P - Dropships win
On Shakuras Plateau with 0 commentsProtoss vs Terran vs Terran vs Terran
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