- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Call of Ancestors v1
Call of Ancestors v1.2 is out. It features FULL VOICEOVERS for ingame cinematics and tons of fixes based on your sugesstions!!!
Plot: After learning that Terran mercenaries are desecrating one of ...
Call of Ancestors v1.2 is out. It features FULL VOICEOVERS for ingame cinematics and tons of fixes based on your sugesstions!!!
Plot: After learning that Terran mercenaries are desecrating one of their planet, young Protoss warrior Tarsalis lands on a planet and begins his quest to reach lost ruins. But unknown to him, his superiors have more sinister plan in place.
To do list:
* skippable cinematics [but I will need help from you guys, point me out to some map that has that feature and I will look into it.]
* explosions at the end of the map [sound & camera shake]
* personalised sounds for Tarsilas [when moving & attacking]
* work on map 2 and continuation of Tarslalis adventure
* DieH@rd - all the coding and map making
* Relja Trajković - sound engeneer, voice of Tal'Adun, voice of Fleet Command
* Ivica Milarić - scenario work, voice of Tarsalis, voice of Ivanco
* Ivan Zorkić - voice of Zealot, voice of Reely
Few pictures from the map:
Change Log
Version notes: This v1.2 release of CoA map contains tons of changes here is the list:
* New Loading text.
* All voiceovers have increased volume now.
* Fixed one big cutscene ...
Version notes: This v1.2 release of CoA map contains tons of changes here is the list:
* New Loading text.
* All voiceovers have increased volume now.
* Fixed one big cutscene mixup.
* Added more health, shields and speed for Tal'Adun.
* Fixed names of Tarsalis weapons.
* Archon beam of Tarsilas can only target Air units now.
* Removed the range of Terran sensor tower.
* Fixed ivanco's initialization area.
* Stalkers have blink now.
* Doubled the shield regeneration rate of Tarsilas and Tal'adun [regeneration wait time is stil same].
* Added tons more "no walk" zones over some areas and doodads.
* Added more Terran forces in the north base.
* Added more Terran forces in the Temple Entrance [they prevent rushing tactics].
* Added another Missile Turret detector near Siege tank [i will make detector out of him later].
* Beacons cant be selectable anymore.
* Changed the name of "Battle Cruiser Copy" units. [Those units are still not responding to "issue order - move to point" order. Weird.]
* Changed the flow of end cinematic, but its not done yet.
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- Categories:
- Role Playing (RPG) Strategy Unfinished
- Author:
- DieH@rd
- Filename:
- CallofAncestors_V1.2.SC2Map
- Latest Version:
- Call of Ancestors v1
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 7.6 MB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (4 votes, ranked #326) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- N/A
- Tileset:
- Shakuras
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 2
- Downloads (Total):
- 4,551
- Downloads (Daily):
- 1 (ranked #175)
- Submitted By:
- MugiwaranoRufi 4
- Discovered On:
- May 19, 2010
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Call of Ancestors v1
CallofAncestors_V1.2.SC2Map (7.6 MB)
- Released:
- May 19, 2010
- Downloads:
- 4,704
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
4 votes considered -
- Good
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User Comments
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Very good map and very good storyline.
Can you make the next part of this story?
Dang, nice map. I really envy your design work. To be honest, I was expecting the voice acting to be bad, but it was really good.
Took me a couple tries to get through the Siege Tank area. Couple misspellings(to be expected since there is quite of bit of dialog) but I'm looking forward to the sequel.
I quite enjoyed this map. Even though i'm not very good at it. xD
Fun map, looks like you have put quite a bit of effort into making this work, voiceovers and all.
the subtitle near the beacon spelled bound as "bond"...
I enjoyed the map ^^ .... nice work