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- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Combate Citadino - City Combat
I made a variant of the city combat, a survival the horror with armed zombies!.
Make your way all along the city with a Ghost Unit, using your invisible skills to reach the Medivac and get ...
I made a variant of the city combat, a survival the horror with armed zombies!.
Make your way all along the city with a Ghost Unit, using your invisible skills to reach the Medivac and get saved.
Or walk around the city killing 600, or more, armed zombies in diferent parts of the city. (In some parts, there are neutral medivacs to get some health if you need). But be carefull, choose the streets very carefully and watch out for zombie snipers.
Enjoy my second map.
Hice una variante de Combate ciudadano, un "survival the horror" con zombies armados!.
Abrite camino a traves de la ciudad con una unidad Fantasma, usando tus avances tecnologicos invisibles para alcanzar el medevac y salvarte.
O camina por la ciudad matando 600 o mas zombies armados en diferentes partes de la ciudad. (en algunas partes hay medevac para curarte si lo necesitas). Pero con precaucion, elegi las calles con cuidado y mantene tu cabeza agachada, hay zombies francotiradores.
Disfruta mi segundo mapa.
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- Categories:
- Arena Assault Shooter
- Author:
- roraflores 1
- Filename:
- Combate Ciudadano (Zombie) - City Combat (Zombie).SC2Map
- Latest Version:
- Combate Citadino - City Combat
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 1.2 MB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (3 votes, ranked #351) - Tags:
- city, combat, mission, phantom, survival the horror, zombie
- Players:
- N/A
- Tileset:
- Korhal
- Dimensions:
- 256x256
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 2,393
- Downloads (Daily):
- 1 (ranked #313)
- Submitted By:
- roraflores 1
- Discovered On:
- Dec. 13, 2010
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Combate Citadino - City Combat
Combate Ciudadano (Zombie) - City Combat (Zombie).SC2Map (1.2 MB)
- Released:
- Dec. 13, 2010
- Downloads:
- 2,641
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
3 votes considered -
- Good
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Alright I figured it out. I had double clicked the file on the desktop to open the editor. but i had to reopen it once the editor had finished loading in order for the map to actually load.
as for the actual map, its a creative idea. i would suggest (if u can) to mod the sniper's snipe ability to actually one shot, cause it says it causes 45 damage on the tooltip. that would make it worth using. its a 2 shot with the normal auto attack. it would be 2 shots with snipe which i think could be improved. very interesting concept though!
thanks for making this map!
I tried to publish the map from the editor, and then run it from SC2 and i tried testing it from the editor, but neither way works. how do you play this? i am a total noob when it comes to mods, so please tell me what i have overlooked.
thanks :)
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