- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Left 2 Die
The Official Blizzard MOD Map Left 2 Die from Battle.net works perfectly well with sc2allin1 in game type: Use Map Settings
also the following file must be installed
in your (example ...
The Official Blizzard MOD Map Left 2 Die from Battle.net works perfectly well with sc2allin1 in game type: Use Map Settings
Extra File Neededalso the following file must be installed
- in your (example path) c:\program files\Starcraft II\Mods\ directory
- if in the Mods\ directory exists a Folder named Left2Die.SC2Mod, you must delete this Folder to allow you install the Mod file mention before. otherwise custom mod models will be missing.
This map is an official Blizzard map (see more).
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- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Strategy
- Author:
- Vernam7 30
- Filename:
- Left 2 Die v1.3.SC2Map
- Latest Version:
- Left 2 Die
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 12.5 MB
- Overall Rating:
5 / 5 (2 votes, ranked #514) - Tags:
- b.net, blizzard, epic, left 2 die, sc2allin1, ums, vernam7
- Players:
- 1
- Dimensions:
- 176x192
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 32,276
- Downloads (Daily):
- 2 (ranked #77)
- Submitted By:
- Vernam7 30
- Discovered On:
- Aug. 8, 2012
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Left 2 Die
Left 2 Die v1.3.SC2Map (12.5 MB)
- Released:
- Aug. 8, 2012
- Downloads:
- 9,491
- Direct Link:
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- Opinion:
2 votes considered -
- Neutral
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sorry, this is not possible because those are the rules, but if you need a link to download it, please register and send me a PM.
I have problems to download from filesonic because the restrictions of the proxy, I can only use mediafire.
no, why? the download links works... why to make more mirror links?
P.S. you have to download the mod file and put it in the starcraft 2 folder
I need anyone that put this file in mediafire, plesase.
i still dont get it, WHERE SHOULD I PUT THE MOD FILE ? in the mod folder where ? in progrma files ?? or in documentes ? there is nowhere a mod folder, in documentes i have sc 2 folder with maps and saves, and in program files i have also sc 2 folder with allin files; well where should the mod folder be ?
Where exactly do I put the mod file?
So far I have put the mod file in SC2 mods folder, added the left2die map sc2alline1 and selected user map settings. Nothing happens...
sorry for the delay i have updated it to the latest version v1.1 should fix your missing icons etc so redownload 9the mod files is still v1.0 there is no v1.1 only the map file needs update)
*cannot delete*
I put the map at the documents/starcraft2/maps folder and the mod at the mod folder
still the AI is dead, and the terran beside me AND the science facility is my enemy...
What could be the problem?
oh and I didn't use the custom AI thing, and its on used map settings...
I miss icons and effects!What can I do?
Use the map with sc2allin1.
i have updated the .mode link file to a new host.
Somebody managed to beat this solo?
i love this map
this map plays only if you have sc2allin1 in UMS game type! not FFA or teams etc!
its on the top of the page
looks great MAP an only exception -I can't play it.Map loads but the AI is not there..
I put AI file to MOD directory and tried to "add" it to ALLin1 using its interface.. other AI' added but not Left2Die' AI. So I just put it into MOD directory and loaded the map with map settings, Custom AI unchecked..loads perfectly..The night or the day do not come - no indication of it in the game..Alas..got no idea what to do..WIN 7 64 bit
How do you update to 1.2.0 if you have the cracked version?
I want to play this so bad
and good...
@BoZ - are you using SC2AllIn1 Launcher? and the latest patch (1.2.0)? If yes, it should work. It works perfectly with my EU version :(
When I try to open the map I get this error "Dependency data could not be loaded" " Unable to load file (Core:file not found):ComponentList.SC2Components" and then it aske me to continue. plz help me Im realy looking for to play this map. / BoZ
How to increase the difficulty with sc2ALLin1 and Use Map Settings?
Otherwise it works fine with SC2 1.2.0 ..and rename 'Left_2_Die__Mod__v1.0.SC2Mod' > 'Left2Die.SC2Mod' ..otherwise missing icons/models/effects
I did all that m8 but its still no go.. nothing is happening... the zergs arnt atacking btw everytime I dl the map it says its broken...
@BoZ - I said Don't enable the Custom AI, just run the map with out it and in the Game tab down below to right is the Game Type option, there choose Use Map Settings. Easy as that
No matter what I do I still cant get it to work, ive put the both files where you have said they should go but still the custom IA doesnt work.. nothing is happening :( ive tryed to fix the problem for 30min now plz help!
It worked perfectly. The problem is there is an enemy nearby computer (terran) AI.
@Eldrick - U don't have to activate the (use installed custom AI)feature, just select the map and in the GAME tab change the option free for all to Use Map Settings.
It is explain on the description up ahead.