Blistering Sands

Rank 2,245 out of 2,924 in StarCraft 2
This map is part of the Blistering Sands project.
A newer version of this map, Blistering Sands, is available.

Map Variants

Name Mode
1 v 1
Two players fight to the death.

Recent Replays

  • [Bracket 5] Player 2 vs Shusaku [Bracket 5] Player 2 vs Shusaku
    On Blistering Sands with 0 comments
    Terran vs Terran
  • Artosis vs bigfoot Artosis vs bigfoot
    On Blistering Sands with 0 comments
    Terran vs Terran
  • Reptille vs Ondrasek Reptille vs Ondrasek
    On Blistering Sands with 0 comments
    Zerg vs Protoss
  • Praccy vs Naugrim Praccy vs Naugrim
    On Blistering Sands with 0 comments
    Zerg vs Zerg
  • Jinro vs Computer 2 Jinro vs Computer 2
    On Blistering Sands with 0 comments
    Protoss vs Terran
  • Jinro vs Computer 2 Jinro vs Computer 2
    On Blistering Sands with 0 comments
    Terran vs Terran

User Comments

Newest First | Oldest First

  • In response to Blistering Sands

    You have to cut your teeth on this one. In 1vs1 this map is an essential part of your arsenal. Memorize it.

    Know how to get into the weak spots behind their base, either by destroying barriers or droping in with air support.

    Registered User
    Tyler Bird
    US Beta

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