- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- The Hunters
A remake of the classic 'The Hunters' map from StarCraft 1.
Suggested players: 2-8
Eight-player cutthroat.
Change Log
- Fixed to be melee
- Made a geyser in the 6 o'clock natural close to the minerals.
- Made camera borders more attractive
- Fixed Start ...
- Fixed to be melee
- Made a geyser in the 6 o'clock natural close to the minerals.
- Made camera borders more attractive
- Fixed Start locations
- Randomized mineral field models
- Made center minerals high yield
- Placed a Xel'Naga watch tower between the center geysers
- Placed Destructible Rocks at the high yield expansion
- Map Style:
- Melee
- Categories:
- (No categories yet)
- Author:
- Artanis186 4
- Filename:
- (8)The Hunters.SC2Map
- Project Page:
- The Hunters
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 449.1 KB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (3 votes, ranked #292) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 8
- Tileset:
- BelShir
- Dimensions:
- 144x144
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 3,279
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Artanis186 4
- Discovered On:
- April 23, 2010
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The Hunters
(8)The Hunters.SC2Map (449.1 KB)
- Released:
- April 23, 2010
- Downloads:
- 3,279
- Direct Link:
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- Opinion:
3 votes considered -
- Good
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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- Featured April 23, 2010
User Comments
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You maybe should put 2 gaz on natural expands.. The gameplay is now very different, 1 gaz is not enough like it was in Sc1
Hey change the texture to xil, looks more like the original hunters. Oh and is their anyway to get rid of all the cliffs?
The tower in the center is pretty much useless. As long as you stand in the middle, you have the vision, it's granted.
You should put towers just before the center, on the path to the naturals. They should be close to the natural to belong to the player having them, but close enough to the center so that they aren't easy to hold if someone is pushing.
Currently you can only do it via the editors test feature, Blizzard will eventually release a patch allowing one to publish the maps and play with friends.
Hey... How does one go about launching the.sc2maps, as opposed to the .s2ma ones?
Thanks. I wish I could play it. I have no key. :(
Good work! The Hunters is my favorite map of all time
Is it possible in SC2 maps to have "map options"? Like when you create the game lobby, players could agree on some custom setting like that before starting the game..
I'd vote against it though. Hunts is a scouting game.
Anyway, I like your map, looks very clean and nice, and correct. I can't wait to play Hunters in SC2 !
Ya, I noticed that. Thanks a lot.
I was thinking that, but I noticed how the vespene geysers in the original were farther away and more sparse in the expansions. I did this to maybe make it a little more like that, not much gas, but still available. If you still think I should add 2 geysers to each expansion, I shall.
The watchtower in middle is nice touch, makes the middle even more important than in original. I'd love to see 2 vespene geysers at each expansion to keep the map in line with SC2 standards tho.
u need a map more longer than this. this map is a good replica, but very tiny.
hey how do i play this map? or any custom made maps guys. please help me.
I think it's a nice addition. Have to see how it plays out in actual melee though.
(I featured your map btw, nice work!)
Do you guys think I should keep or remove the Xel'Naga tower?