- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Uber Base Defense (Beta)
Uber Base Defense (Beta)
(NOTE! This is still in Beta, so there is only 16 levels to run through.)
Uber Base Defense
Defend your base as attackers rush at you from all sides. Upon completion, there will be a total of 50+ ...
(NOTE! This is still in Beta, so there is only 16 levels to run through.)
Uber Base Defense
Defend your base as attackers rush at you from all sides. Upon completion, there will be a total of 50+ waves of destruction and chaos in this single-player map.
Beta V 1.0
Created by Bockin.
The map is still in the balancing stage, and I'm not the best player around. Currently, I find myself unable to beat it, so I could use some people of a higher skill to test it. Leave a comment / review with suggestions/problems/bugs.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Unfinished
- Author:
- Bockin 2
- Filename:
- Uber Base Defense (BetaV1.2).SC2Map
- Project Page:
- Uber Base Defense (Beta)
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 1.4 MB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (1 votes, ranked #1,261) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 1
- Tileset:
- ZhakulDas
- Dimensions:
- 256x256
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 74
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Bockin 2
- Discovered On:
- April 29, 2010
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Uber Base Defense (Beta)
Uber Base Defense (BetaV1.2).SC2Map (1.4 MB)
- Released:
- April 29, 2010
- Downloads:
- 74
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- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
- Terrain:
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Got wipe out at wave 13, need to remake the terrain of 2nd mining places as there isn't much places to build anti-air defenses.
Nice job, got my ass wiped by wave 15, just before i died wave 16 was coming :P.
I ll try a few more times and report back.
EDIT: Second time is easier, manage to beat it with terran but im affraid i wont even try Protoss or zerg because without PT Tanks and Thors it would be suicide :D
ATM i'm on wave 20 though no more units come since wave 17/18. I'm glad you added some toss units like stalks/immortals/coloss.
Awesome! Thanks. I'll be fixing the problems, and hopefully getting everything ready within a couple of hours.
The entirety of the map is actually going have a good portian of it redone, compacted, and overall shined up a bit. This'll be Beta V2.0 coming out, and I'll have a bit of a tileset redone here and there, and of course, prior mentioned polish.
Also looking into balancing Terran out a bit, changing a couple of things here and there to even the playing field.
I just noticed there was a new version so i played it once again :D
The previous version was impossible (to me at least) with protoss or zerg.
Now this version is too easy with terran, OK with toss and beatable with zerg (i don't play much zerg so probbly experienced players find this easy).
Things i noticed:
1) Hive is fucked up. Once you get Hive it WONT spawn larvas, it WONT spawn creep, and drones WONT take mins/gas there. This should be easy to fix for the next version.
2) Planetary Fortress is overpowered, you can just rush for another one, upgrade its armor get a few turrets, 1 tank and it's GG (did it in the first version with fewer resources)
3) Once i beat the game i usually go scouting and find "lots" of units that should've attacked. Last time there was around 20 lings + some roaches + 10-15 marauders and a couple of medivacs wich could have made the wave harder.
Hope that helps improving the map a bit since im eager to get wave 17++
Good Job and good luck!
Byw my english isn't the best so i apologize for any mistakes.
I've no idea if its patch X compliant, mostly because I don't actually have a beta key, and hafta run it from the editor. >_<"
Buuuuut yeah, that I know of, it is.
Edit: Wait, is that to say that your having an error, or asking a question?
Oh, and update:
I'm able to survive pretty well with the recient changes to the map as Terran, but am REALLY worried about it because I can't as anything else. Zerg jus' can't seem to push past a few of the harder levels, and 'toss can BARELY survive for me. All of this is insubstantial, of course, because its all comparitive data. In other words, I'll be needing anybody that wouldn't mind helping out the project to PLEASE test out Protoss and Zerg defenses, so I can mod 'em a bit and really get things right. Maybe even change the waves up a bit for different races, or create new sets of spawns outside of the normal... really, any ideas are welcome here. Thanks in advance.
Not patch#10 compliant ?
Thanks guys! I'm going to be updating the map here in a second.
Played as Protoss and beat all 16 waves (barely). Here are a few ideas for you:
High Yield Minerals/Gas. Going off of what h4rr0d said, the way they are lined up is not good for the AI. Also by switching to High Yield, it will give the player more faster. If you don't want to do that then just make a normal set of resources and boost how many are in them by double clicking the Mineral Field > Resource tab and setting it to what you want.
Not having the choke was fine for me be but that was because I walled with cannons. They held until the last wave (used a Stalker to coax Mutalisks to the cannons). Last wave barely broke past, with only 3 Marauders left and the Uber Nexus has enough HP that I just made an Immortal to deal with them.
You don't have victory conditions setup. I beat wave 16 and wondered what was going on. Also I did some exploring and it looks like not all units are being sent out. There were a lot of Terran units still up north, a few Zerg to the west, and only 1 Mutalisk to the south that did not attack.
Also you should be able to put the "Game Start" into like a 5 second timer so it goes automatically.
Last, if you are having trouble testing it, consider giving yourself some simple cheats just for testing (remove them before updating). Things like extra resources, fast build times, or a defense already built would help you to test.
Played it as Terran, noticed theese things:
1) Map needs some kind of choke. Right now you are up in the open, not realy good position to be defending at. Not saying here you should make like a cliff with choke where an Ultralisk hardly fits, but there should realy be some kind of point of interest where you focus your units.
2) The starting location is way too far from mineral line
3) The multiple minerals spawned this way fuck up the harvester AI realy heavily.
4) 2 + 3 = realy realy low income (about half of what you should be getting). I'm 100 minerals shorter compared to normal melee game when I'm on 10 supply as Terran.
5) the super command center is nice, but it needs researchable MULE drop (again resources)
Conclusion: Good potential, needs some kind of choke, resources collection race needs fix/balance. TBH I'd gladly forfeit the super CC if i could get some kind of Scrap Station size of choke.