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- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Shadow TD
Shadow TD
Author: ShadowTiger a.k.a. StarcraftScientist
Players: 1
Goal: Survive 45 Waves
Current Version: 1.1 Beta
This map is not fully balanced, some waves may be too ...
Shadow TD
Author: ShadowTiger a.k.a. StarcraftScientist
Players: 1
Goal: Survive 45 Waves
Current Version: 1.1 Beta
This map is not fully balanced, some waves may be too difficult, and some towers may be more cost effective than others. I included some basic cheats so that you could get through the game at your own pace/skill level and any balance feedback would be very helpful.
10 Towers
60 Unique Global Upgrades
Strong variation for enemies
Each tower plays differently
Upgrades dramatically change gameplay
Convenient Features
Known Problems:
There may be some buttons with incorrect tooltips/hotkeys.
Some abilities/upgrades may not work as intended.
Any comments/concerns/bug reports related to the map are greatly appreciated!
- Categories:
- Defense (Competitive) Defense (Team) Unfinished
- Author:
- ShadowTiger
- Filename:
- ShadowTDbeta.SC2Map
- Project Page:
- Shadow TD
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 1.5 MB
- Overall Rating:
5 / 5 (3 votes, ranked #244) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- N/A
- Tileset:
- Korhal
- Dimensions:
- 64x128
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,122
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- MugiwaranoRufi 4
- Discovered On:
- May 18, 2010
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- Opinion:
3 votes considered -
- Good
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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Niestety słabo:/
Sory za podwójny post
http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/3392/screenshot000ce.jpg i could have probably mazed more too ;x
Wow gotta be one of the best TD's ive played in a long time, even WC3 cant stand up to this one :)
WOW, that's probably 1 of the most BEST TD map i've ever played! All tower are able to be unique enough, really awesome maps!
Best TD I've played so far. Afew bugs though, I did enter the cheats to test this, for the research building that upgrades bullets, cant remember what its called, the upgrade increasing general bullet damage could be upgraded infinite times unless you were to finish upgrading the one of the other upgrades at the same building. While it made no changes to the sniper tower tooltip, I found them 1shotting some few hundred hp mobs, even the late game ones, such as the ultralisks, I'm not sure if the 2 are related.
I just played and finished the game, except the last level, where the deadly sniper shot doesn't seem to work, is this a bug or don't you want someone to win? ;)
I also experienced the before mentioned bug, that the damage upgrade (which increases damage for sniper turret and other towers) is buggy. You can buy it as often as you want to, but no enhancements after a certain damage, I think it was 37 - but I am not sure.
Hope this helps finding the errors. Waiting for new version!
yes there is some bugs, but the main author aren't on this website, go to sc2mapster.com , the original map creator is at there, go there and tell him the problem.
Some1 post the map from there to here.
A great map, probably the best TD map for SC2 ! Lots of towers, upgrades, strategies !
This is a great TD! Recommend to all. 5/5 stars
any help there its make my pc hang on first wave!